[3830] W3DF CQWW SSB 2001- SOAB LP

Daniel G. Flanagan Daniel.G.Flanagan.1 at gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Oct 30 12:32:20 EST 2001

                      CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2001

        Call:      W3DF
        Category:  Single Operator
        Power:     Low Power
        Band:      All Band
        Mode:      SSB
        Country:   United States
        Zone:      5


        160        1        2     2.00      1       1
         80        0        0     0.00      0       0
         40        6       16     2.67      5       6
         20       21       63     3.00      5      18
         15       26       78     3.00      6      19
         10      290      844     2.91     23      53
       Totals    344     1003     2.92     40      97  =>  137,411

Equipment Description:

TS870 - 100w
20/15/10 - 2 El Quad at 58 feet
80/40 - Dipole at 35 feet
160 - Inverted-L at 50 feet

Club Affiliation: PVRC


Not a major effort.  Did about 10 hours of operation an
hour or two at a time.  Enjoyed running JA and EU on
10 meters with the new antenna.  First time that I have
been able to run stations in any contest - always been
a "search and bouncer".  Spent all of my time on 10M
calling CQ.  Achieved "last 100 QSO" rates in the mid
90's during the EU run Sunday morning with peak rates
over 120 Q's per hour.  Concentrated on 10 meters,
conditions were great both days despite the elevated
K index on Sunday.  The highlights of the weekend were
working P29TL, V8A, and T88CC on 10 meters the first day.

73, Dan Flanagan  - W3DF

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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