[3830] CQWW SSB OK1RI SOSB/20HP + Comments

Jiri Sanda jirka at jimaz.cz
Wed Oct 31 11:36:57 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: OK1RI
Operator(s): OK1RI
Station: OK1RI/OK1RF

Class: SOSB/20 HP
QTH: Brezina
Radios: 1 * IC775 + Home Made PPA
ANT: 2 * 6Y @ 13/26m + 5Y @ 52m + 2Y @ 16m - 3 different towers

Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
   20:   3322     40    152
Total:   3322     40    152  =  1,428,864


Continent Statistics:
			     QSOs     %
North America   SSB    1573    47.1 out of it 1427 W + 97 VE
South America   SSB      78     2.3
Europe          SSB    1255    37.6
Asia            SSB     344    10.3 out of it 187 JA + 77 UA9/0
Africa          SSB      22     0.7
Oceania         SSB      65     1.9 out of it 23 VK + 12 KH6

I was guessing if to go on 40m (now with second 4Y/24m boom full size in the
air - not yet rotary but still) or to try once more 20m now with second low
6Y on the same tower rotary only W/JA - I have decided 20m and added on the
tower with 10m antennas tiny (only 5kg !) 2 el.Y I have made for T32RD
operation and used there.

I got quite a bad flue in Friday, I have found I have temperature well over
38 C and a aching throat, called OK1RF, that I feel bad and that he should
take part, he could not - he had already other program, so I have decided to
start, with big use of DVP saying only the other stations call. I have
closed all windows, took two sweaters to create high temperature and sweat,
drunk 3 COLDREXes, took a lot of vitamin C, hoping all this would help and
started. Actually it did and I have almost healed until Monday !

The Saturday propagation was good, the Sunday one of course..... As a matter
of fact we all have seen this many times in the past, I could not remember
in last 30 or so years being Saturday bad and Sunday good ?!

I had 2 blackouts - no electricity both about fortunately only 30min. I
failed during second night and went to bad for 2 hours, but the propagation
was so bad I think I have not lost too much. The end was very slow, the band
was practically dead since about 20 GMT.

Strategy was to do as many QSO's in Saturday as possible since the worsening
of condx was expected, and it came ! In Sunday KC1XX was 59+0dB, W3LPL+K5ZD
58, K0RF less than 55 you can than imagine how were the others. Interesting
was that the JAs usually only few strong, the rest tiny were all even in
Sunday relatively strong.
In Sunday I found I have very few countries, so I was tuning the band up and
down, using also the dualwatch function of IC775 and finished with 152 DXCC
only. After the contest I had feeling it is completely spoiled operation,
since I have expected to have something like 170. As seen now it was not
realistic expectation due to lack of oversees operations due to SEP 11th.


73 !

Jiri OK1RI

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