[3830] WAE - ZC4BS - SO AB Low Power

Steve B stephen.b@cytanet.com.cy
Sun, 9 Sep 2001 15:40:24 +0300

CALL: ZC4BS      Single OP., All Band

    QSOs QTCs Multipliers

20m: 227 191 68
15m: 353 333 68
10m: 96 91 40
Total: 676 + 615     * 176 = 227216pts
Station Description:  Yaesu FT1000MP Mk 5   (50 watts)
Antenna(s): Coaxial Dipoles (15m/20m)
Remarks: Just a test to see what 50watts and a dipole will do. A shame I
could not take credit for the 97 Japanese stations that called me - next
year can we move the SBA of Cyprus into Europe ?

Steve  ZC4BS

Homepage #1:  http://pages.zdnet.com/yzf1000r1_99/stevesplace/index.html
Homepage #2:  http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/customhouse/206/

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com