[3830] NAQP CW K1TO Single Op LP

webform at hornucopia.com webform at hornucopia.com
Sun Aug 4 12:08:25 EDT 2002

                    North American QSO Party, CW

Call: K1TO
Operator(s): K1TO
Station: K1TO

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:    0     0
   40:   72    33
   20:   96    36
   15:   25    15
   10:   72    26
Total:  265   110  Total Score = 29,150

Club: Florida Contest Group

Team: FCG WRTC Killer Ds #6


Blame it all on OJ, although between his and Fisher's efforts, the Southeast was
definitely active.

Took me quite a while to get even a bare bones station together.  And since most
of my yagis are on the ground amidst a major station reconfiguration, just
getting on some of the bands was a struggle.  

10M was the only band with a realistic situation and even then only one of the
antennas remains up - 4L at 56'.  The only other antenna available to me was a
204BAS, but it is fixed to the SE at the moment(yes, NP4Z was loud, but nobody
else was).  Actually, I was surprised at how many good sets of ears heard my
call on 20.  With no antennas available on either 15 or 40, I used the 204 thru
the FT-1000MP tuner.  That resulted in tons of CQs in my face, but persistence
occasionally led to a QSO.  Kudos to KH6ND for the 40M Q after at least 12
question marks!  Even heard KL7WV on 40, but no chance for a Q. 
10 was different than expected.  Zero West Coast and only N6ZZ from even the
midwest.  Activity was very spotty, but signals were often real strong and the
band was consistently open to W1/2/3/8/9/QC/ON for several hours.  Amazingly,
the loudest signal on 10 came from W4AN, just 400 miles away.  Apologies to N4AF
who I goaded into trying 10 twice with no Q either time.  It just boggled my
mind that Fisher was S9+30 and sigs from nearby NC were nowhere to be found.  At
one point on 15, I heard K8CC and W4OC agreeing to QSY to 10.  I dumped my weak
call in and got both Qs on 15, then made the Q with Don on 10 while Dave was
unable to - sorry, Dave.  Don was one of only 3 4-banders here.

Even tried 80M with N4AO, but the tuner found the 204 to be too much of a
stretch.  Called fellow "D" N2NL repeatedly on 10, but only one "?" and lots of
CQsinface.  Never did work him anywhere.  

73, Dan

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