[3830] EUHFC OH6NIO CW Only LP

Teijo Murtovaara teijo.murtovaara at pp.inet.fi
Fri Aug 9 17:45:41 EDT 2002

                     European HF Championship 2002

 Call: OH6NIO

Class: CW Only LP

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:    24    0      18
   80:     46    0      28
   40:   123    0      47
   20:   255    0      51
   15:   171    0      44
   10:   124    0      41
Total:   743    0     229  Total Score = 169,231

Club: Contest Club Finland


My first try ever on EUHFC. Actually I did not plan to participate until two
hours before the start of the contest. I worked with low power because I did
not have enough time to put the amplifier on the line and build the PTT-cord
between my new rig and the amplifier. I thought that using low power would
be good enough into Europe anyway.

I am just in the middle of big changes for the coming contest season at my
station so my setup was very inconvenient and unfriendly to use. I had to
change antennas by unscrewing the coax connectors. On 80m and 160m I
had to run outside the shack to switch between the antennas because I had to
share one feedline on those bands.  My multiplier station antenna setup was
not quite finished yet so there was no second radio available. On 80m I had
some problems because the SWR was higher than 3 and the antenna did not
work very well during the contest. I believe that the propagation on the
lower bands was very poor.

40m was as I could have expected but on 20m I really missed some more QSOs.
15 and 10m were quite marginal. Especially 10m was very diffcult. Finally I
was a bit amazed that I could get 41 mults with 100W on 10m. I jumped quite
often between the higher bands and I think therefore I did not miss those
difficult propagation bursts on 10m. A lot of jumping and unscrewing of the
feedlines though decreased my rate. The software that I used was by UA1AAF
which I downloaded from the web just 1 hour before the start. The logging
programme was very easy to use even for the first time. Hats off to UA1AAF
and thank you for the QSOs. I enjoyed the contest and really liked the 12
hour format. I might join also the next year. I just hope that the
will be slightly better then than what it was this year.

I hope to see you all in the SAC next month and CQWW CW&SSB later in
the coming contest season. I have now my multplier setup almost finished so
there will be a lot of fun in the coming contests.

Rig: FT-1000MP 100W

 160m Inv Vee @ 33m
 80m Half square (SWR > 3)
 40m 2el yagi
 20m 4/4el yagis
 15m 5/5el yagis @33m & 42m (too high for EU)
 10m 5el yagi

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