[3830] ARRL 10 VE7ASK SO CW LP

ve7ask at rac.ca ve7ask at rac.ca
Sun Dec 15 15:51:59 EST 2002

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: VE7ASK
Operator(s): VE7ASK
Station: VE7ASK

Class: SO CW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  283    62
Total:  283    62  Total Score = 70,432



Only discovered the contest was on at 17:40Z Saturday morning, but managed to
sneak in several hours of activity during the late morning and afternoon, then
was on and off through Sunday. 

Tons of MN and FL stations -- great job guys! Missed Idaho, North Dakota,
Alberta, Yukon, and a handful of others, but sure was fun looking for them all.
Lots of JA activity in the mid to late afternoon here (22Z to the end).
Conditions seemed to be pretty good on 10M. I heard stateside stations working
into Europe on Sunday morning, but I heard one G3 station and that was it from

Used a low two-element hex-style beam and 80 to 100 watts. Most of my time was
search and pounce, as CQing with low power wasn't worth the time it took, hi.
The CW ops in this one seemed particularly pleasant and cooperative. Didn't hear
the kind of turf battles I've heard during other contests on lower bands (40M,
to be specific). It was a pleasure to get in and play.

Thanks to all -- especially the organizers and the folks who dropped in just for
a contact or two. Great fun.

73, Bud  VE7ASK

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