[3830] RAC Winter VE1OP SOAB HP

snichols at mvosprey.com snichols at mvosprey.com
Sun Dec 29 10:41:38 EST 2002

                    RAC Winter Contest

Call: VE1OP
Operator(s): VE1OP
Station: VE1OP

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 16

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  CW Mults  Ph Mults
  160:    2      1       1         1
   80:   10     82       3         5
   40:   83     44       8         6
   20:  234    218       9        10
   15:  103    219       7         8
   10:   57    113       7         8
Total:  489    677      35        38  Total Score = 503,846



Condx not nearly as good as last year and the score shows it...Also didn't hear
any of the northern territories so the mults were down...Almost 500 less QSO's
and approx 100,000 less points this year...No EU early morning opening to pick
up the slack until the bands opened to NA this year...That's OK though as I
slept through the alarm Sat morning...Xmas season got the best of me I

Great fun just the same though...Lots of multi band/mode stations and had fun
moving around for people...Worked a few stations 10 times...

Ended up with 21 RAC QSO's, 524 CAN and 634 non-Canadian (Raw)...

Yaesu FT1000MP, AL811 amp at 400 watts, Hy Gain EXP 14 beam...

Thanks for all the QSO's.

73, Scott VE1OP

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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