[3830] TBDC K1HTV Single Op LP

k1htv at arrl.net k1htv at arrl.net
Mon Dec 30 20:27:08 EST 2002

                    Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: K1HTV
Operator(s): K1HTV
Station: K1HTV

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: MD (FM18)
Operating Time (hrs): 14

Total:  QSOs = 291  Total Score = 1,366

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


2002 Stew Perry Top Band Challange

      Call:      K1HTV
      Category:  Single Operator
      Power:     Low Power 
      Band:      160M
      Mode:      CW 
      State:     MD  (FM18)

      291  QSOs    
      126  GRIDS

      683  Computed points using SPSCORE.EXE software
       X2  Low Power multiplier
     1366  Points before adding QRP QSO bonus points

     Equipment Description:
     Rig:    TS850S/AT
     TX Ant: 25M high shunt fed tower 
     RX Ant: Same
     Club Affiliation: Potomac Valley Radio Club

     DX worked: ON4UN, G3SED, FM5BH & KV4FZ

     Contest conditions weren't very good. Worked all DX stations heard,
     all four of them. I wish I could have borrowed some of the Beverage
     antennas that we used on 160M at W3LPL in the CQWW DX tests. While
     CQing and reading about the K9AY receive antenna, who should answer
     my CQ but Gary, K9AY. Guess I'll have to build one of his antennas
     and put it up in my small backyard.

     73 de Rich - K1HTV

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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