k6nr at arrl.net k6nr at arrl.net
Mon Feb 25 21:28:35 EST 2002


                     ARRL DX Contest, CW
Call: K6VO
Operator(s): K6NR
Station: K5NZ

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 32

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     14     12
   80:     78     39
   40:    179     47
   20:    312     46
   15:    350     67
   10:    612     73
Total:   1545    284  =  1,312,932



I was heading to Houston on business and Mike, K5NZ, was kind enough to let me 
use his fine station for the ARRL CW DX contest.  This was my first full 
weekend single operator effort from a serious station.  I had a lot of fun, but 
I'm not sure how all you 44-48 hour guys do it!  I survived with many breaks 
and some sleep.

I should have spent more time on 20!  I should have spent more time looking for 
mults!  Oh well.  Conditions on 80 meters were great with Europe sounding more 
like East Coast stations than DX.  A big thrill for this west-coaster was 
working Europe on 160 for the first time ever - MD/DL5AXX.

Many thanks for Mike and Susan for hosting/housing me for the weekend.

             Dana, K6NR - K6VO/5

Antennas: KT34XA @ 96', KT34A fixed NE @ 61', TH6 fixed SE @ 31'
 5 element/48' foot boom 20m yagi at 80'
 402CD @ 70'    80m Slopers    Phased L's for 160m   
 2 550' beverages for receive

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