[3830] KQ2M 2001 10M SOHP Unassisted Score and Comments

Robert Shohet kq2m at mags.net
Sat Jan 5 15:23:45 EST 2002

                       2001 ARRL 10M Contest
      Call:      KQ2M                            31.4 hours operation
      Category:  Single Operator
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      Mono 10
      Mode:      Mixed Mode Unassisted
      State:     CT

       CW     1546     6188       59       86     145
      SSB     1822     3644       60       85     145
      Totals  3368     9832      119      171     290  =  2,851,280

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
FT1000MP + Titan 425 x 2

Radio 1  Hygain 105CA 5/5/5 @ 23'/37'/101'  23' Fixed NE 37' & 101' Rotatable
Radio 2  Hygain 105CA 5 @ 67' Fixed NE, 3L @ 35' in a tree Fixed SE
(Not very effective - too much intermod. for effective 2nd radio work)

2 Phased NE Beverages 260'
Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club


This has always been one of my favorite contests!  10 is such a "mystery
band" that you almost never know what to expect.  With the highest Solar
Flux and Sunspot in many years, I expected outrageous conditions.  Indeed
cndx to JA and the Far-East and Asia were the best I can ever remember and
although cndx to most of EU and US were good they were considerably poorer
than in past years even though I worked more EU this year.  Huh?
(I focused on EU with lower rates because I had trouble running US well!)

The weird propagation is fascinating.  I find meteor scatter to be VERY cool
with barely audible stations going up to S9 and back to barely audible in 
1 - 2 seconds.  Then you add in the "echoes", skew path, auroral buzz,
sporadic E and multi-path and you have quite a potpourri and challenge.
I guess that is part of the charm of 10 Meters - HI!

Everything worked well with the exception of when I was trying to move a
5N station to CW on Sunday AM.  As the band was opening, I all of a sudden 
lost my 10 meter stackmatch and then the power supply and everything else.

The power supply worked fine once I removed the 10 Meter stackmatch 
controller.  When I hooked up the 10 Meter stackmatch controller directly
to a 12V power adapter it still did not work.  Then I hooked up the 
10 Meter stackmatch controller again to the power supply and everything 
worked fine.  I lost 20 minutes and gained a new mystery.  No problems
after that except for when one computer ran out of memory.  Turned out that
when I edited the config.sys and autoexec.bat files "on the fly" and removed
the DVP, the computer worked fine after that.
Here are some details from my 1999, 2000 and 2001 logs.

                  1999                  2000                    2001 
SFI/A/K Index   160/10/2              140/18/3                217/11/3
Aurora (1-10)    Quiet 2            Moderate 4-6              Heavy 5-8

Sporadic E   Great both evenings   None at night!           None at night!

Q's/Mults CW    1507/138              1530/146                1546/145
          SSB   1870/147              1793/143                1822/145

Totals          3377/285              3323/289                3368/290

Score          2,783,880             2,805,034               2,851,280
               New Record            New Record              New Record

Hours Operated    34.9                  34.1                    31.4

% NA              52.4                  56.5                    47.0
% EU              39.7                  36.6                    42.1
% Asia/JA          3.4                   2.5                     6.5

The higher flux clearly helped with JA and other Asian nults which are VERY
tough from the NE in December on 10 due to the rapidly dropping MUF with 
darkness at 2145z.  This year the SFI raised the MUF and overcame the Aurora 
at night but in the morning (before Sunrise at 1215z) the MUF was too low 
and the Aurora hurt, delaying the band openings by about 1 hour each day.

Even with the Aurora, there were truly amazing signals out of UA9 on Saturday
morning and the cw rates were phenomenal once the band opened.  

I operated differently this year bouncing between CW and SSB each 
hour to try to maximize the mults on both modes.  This strategy did not work
however.  In fact I have operated this contest with three very different 
stategies in the past three years, producing almost identical results on 
on each mode and almost identical scores.  A head-scratcher for sure.

I think the cndx are just so variable on 10 that it almost negates changes
in stategy unless there is a lot more mult activity in a given year.  
However, there is so much less activity from Asia, Europe and Africa
in the ARRL 10M than CQWW, that hunting for mults. is not as productive as 
it could be.

Thanks to everyone for all the qso's and qsy's which make this contest the
great fun that it is!

73 and Happy New Year

Bob KQ2M

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Robert L. Shohet  KQ2M
               51 Scudder Road
               Newtown, CT 06470 

HOUR      10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0   114/56   114/56   114/56
   1    78/10    78/10   192/66
   2    58/5     58/5    250/71
   3    47/11    47/11   297/82
   4    23/2     23/2    320/84
   5      .        .     320/84
   6      .        .     320/84
   7      .        .     320/84
   8    .....    .....   320/84
   9      .        .     320/84
  10     9/7      9/7    329/91
  11    56/29    56/29  385/120
  12   143/15   143/15  528/135
  13   145/29   145/29  673/164
  14   163/18   163/18  836/182
  15   147/5    147/5   983/187
  16   142/10   142/10 1125/197
  17   151/12   151/12 1276/209
  18   165/19   165/19 1441/228
  19   115/5    115/5  1556/233
  20   115/6    115/6  1671/239
  21   100/7    100/7  1771/246
  22    81/8     81/8  1852/254
  23    85/1     85/1  1937/255
   0    92/2     92/2  2029/257
   1    24/0     24/0  2053/257
   2      .        .   2053/257
   3     5/0      5/0  2058/257
   4      .        .   2058/257
   5      .        .   2058/257
   6      .        .   2058/257
   7      .        .   2058/257
   8    .....    ..... 2058/257
   9      .        .   2058/257
  10     1/1      1/1  2059/258
  11    36/6     36/6  2095/264
  12    82/1     82/1  2177/265
  13   113/3    113/3  2290/268
  14   145/6    145/6  2435/274
  15   166/4    166/4  2601/278
  16   173/0    173/0  2774/278
  17   156/2    156/2  2930/280
  18   107/0    107/0  3037/280
  19    68/2     68/2  3105/282
  20    61/1     61/1  3166/283
  21    82/1     82/1  3248/284
  22    54/4     54/4  3302/288
  23    66/2     66/2  3368/290
DAY1 1937/255    ..... 1937/255
DAY2  1431/35      .    1431/35
TOT  3368/290      .   3368/290

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