[3830] RTTY Roundup AD1C M/S HP

jjreisert at alum.mit.edu jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Sun Jan 6 22:53:25 EST 2002

                     ARRL RTTY Roundup
Call: AD1C
Operator(s): AD1C (+PACKET)
Station: AD1C

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 3

 Band     QSOs  Points 
   80:      2      2
   40:     36     36
   20:     54     54
   15:     45     45     <---Multipliers --->
   10:     18     18     W-VE    DX     Total
Total:    155    155      44     26       70   =  10,850

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Radio:    IC-756 Pro (100 watts), AL-1200 (500-800w used sparingly)

Antennas: 80-10m G5RV up 35 feet (10 meters)
          Hy-Gain AV-640 multi-band vertical
          15m 1-el delta loop (bottom 10 feet/3 meters off the ground)

Software: Writelog 10.28 + MMTTY 1.62 running under Windows XP Pro.

Last year I lost the W1 low-power title by a few QSOs to WA1EHK.  I knew I 
could not compete this year with taking the Christmas tree down Saturday 
afternoon and watching the N.E. Patriots clinch the AFC East title on Sunday 
afternoon.  I merely hoped to pick up a few new RTTY band countries and band 
states.  My first three QSOs were with ZF2NT on 15, 10 and 40 meters (thanks 
for being so active, Bruce!).  I worked ME and WI on 10m, and DE on 3 new bands 
(thanks W3PP!).  TF was new on 40.  I listened on 80m several times but heard 
no one.  Guess since multipliers count only once, it's best to be on the most 
runnable band.  I missed NH and RI, heard VT but didn't call it.

I'm submitting my meager log as a CHECK LOG since I solicited a QSO on packet 
Sunday morning (looking for W3PP on 10m).  I ran mostly low power but turned 
the amp. on for about 1/2 dozen QSOs.  I found some of my QSOs with packet, but 
ran most of the contest without it.

A few times Writelog started to transmit but only a solid carrier for a few 
seconds, then began to send the FSK.  I did have DX4WIN running in the 
background, it may have been trying to access the sound card at the time time.  
Other than that, I had no lockups or loss of sound or any other software 

73 & thanks for all the fish - Jim AD1C

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