[3830] RTTY Roundup VE6YR SOAB HP

ve6yr at aol.com ve6yr at aol.com
Mon Jan 7 15:59:05 EST 2002

                     ARRL RTTY Roundup
Call: VE6YR
Operator(s): VE6YR
Station: VE6YR

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band     QSOs  Points 
   80:     17     17
   40:    120    120
   20:    186    186
   15:    229    227     <---Multipliers --->
   10:    212    211     W-VE    DX     Total
Total:    764    761      56     36       92   =  700,012

Club: Foothills Amateur RadioTeleprinting Society


Thanks everyone for your QSO's. Sorry that I was unable to copy several 
stations. Often, I had loud stations crowd in on both sides and I had 
difficulty with the QRM. My Force12 C-36XR antenna worked very well in a fixed 
direction. I hope to replace my faulty Tailtwister before the next contest.

Like many of you, I also missed NV and ND as well as NF, NU and NT. It almost 
seems that I had an "N" filter installed. :o)

Hope to find you in the next contest. Happy New Year to All.

de VE6YR    Bob

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