[3830] IARU FD CW S55A/P MO Open HP

Mirko Sibilja s57ad at amis.net
Wed Jun 5 02:31:02 EDT 2002

                        REGION 1 FIELD DAY SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 01-Jun-02, 02-Jun-02

    Callsign Used : S55A/P
    Operators : S55A + S53Z, S56A, S57AD, S57RW, S59KW, S57NTW,
S57UKE, S58O, S56TAN, Bora, Admir

         Category : Multi Op Portable High Power

 Default Exchange : 599 #

QTH: Gazon nr Koper

             Name : Vlado Trunkl
          Address : Kampel 36A
   City/State/Zip : Koper, SI-5000
          Country : Slovenia

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points     Cty

  160CW       46          45          174       12
   80CW       86          86           311       20
   40CW      197         194         645       31
   20CW      458         442       1414       55
   15CW      391         381       1237       50
   10CW      152         148         496       30

 Totals     1330        1296       4277      206

    Final Score = 881,062 points.

 Soapbox comments

Equipment:      Run:    FT-1000MP & FL2100Z  (@ 400 W output)
                       Mult:   FT-980 (barefoot)

Antennas:       3 el. tribander @ 12m
                      3 el. tribander @ 5m
                      160/80/40 dipole (single feed line) @ 12m

Power generator 10 kW

PC 486 (2) & TR 6.67

Self-oscilating of home brewed amp (4CX1600A7 type tube) at Friday evening
erased a whole system at one of laptops and I/O ports on another, so we
remained with two PCs and one amplifier (FL2100Z) only.  Though, we couldn't
drain more than 400 W from the FL2100.

Excellent conditions on 15 & 10 at Friday evening and Saturday morning, and
excellent start of the contest at 10 with huge pile-up, 128 Qs in the first
hour (after the start-up dust settled down),  and average 100 Qs/hour rates
next few hours on 15 an 20.  It was wonderful to be called by HS0/G4NOM on
10, KL7HF on 15 or 7Q7ES, TI3M and  8Q1J on 20. We were praised for having
good signal on lower bands, but S&Ping gave us better Qs/hour rates than
CQing. :-)

Our multiplier guru Mario, S56A (he already returned from K1B and CQ WPX
xped to 3V8) done great job chashing mults on 2nd station. Though, serious
drawback was that we hadn't another set of low band antennas at Mult
station!  We really had lot of fun (and I had some headaches due to too much
cold beers).

See you in Region 1 Field Day SSB in September!

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