[3830] IARU Reg 1 FD CW S58U/P Multi-Op LP - update

matjaz.bucinel at intereuropa.si matjaz.bucinel at intereuropa.si
Fri Jun 14 11:11:25 EDT 2002


Callsign used:          S58U/P
Operators:        S51VI, S52ID, S53AU, S57LO, S59AV

Category:         Multi-Op. LP
Operating time:         24 hrs

Equipment description:  YAESU FT-920, Pwr 100 W

Antennas:         3 el. Tribander @ 9m
                  GP Tribander @ 8m
                  80/40 Dipoles @ 6m

Power generator:  Robin 2200 W

Operating QTH/P:  Poljane, 400 m ASL

Team/Club:        RADIOKLUB "PIRAN"

BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries

80CW      161         158        572        28
40CW      187         183        637        30
20CW      242         238        811        34
15CW      178         171        619        26
10CW      160         156        556        27

Totals      928         906       3195       145

Final Score = 463275 points.

We have enjoyed our first IARU Region 1 Field day experience very much.
Conditions were on average, although our QSO rate falled down on Sunday
morning and improved just few hours before the end of the contest with nice
openings on 10 and 15 mts.
The weather was nice and so was also the barbecue after the end of the
contest in company with our YLs / XYLs and kids.
We are most grateful to Ales, S56LPY, who let us operate from his ranch,
and to S53RA, S56IAI and S57RR, who helped us in setting up and dismantling
the station.

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