[3830] KQ2M 2002 WPXCW M/S
Robert Shohet
kq2m at mags.net
Mon Jun 24 10:08:18 EDT 2002
Call: KQ2M
Category: Multi Single
Power: High Power 48 hours
Band: All Band
Mode: CW
Country: United States
160 6 15 2.5 2
80 31 122 3.9 13
40 523 2098 4.0 169
20 1069 2698 2.5 348
15 1472 3821 2.6 354
10 110 260 2.4 55
Totals 3211 9014 2.8 941 = 8,482,174
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Operator List: KQ2M and W7WA
Equipment Description:
Club Affiliation: 50% FRC, 50% WWDXC
There was too much going on in my life to allow for my usual SOABHP
effort so I asked my WRTC partner Dan, W7WA if he would come East to
do a semi-competitive Multi-Single to give us some pre-WRTC team operating
I was very happy when Dan agreed. I completely rearranged my station and
we set up the laptops that we will use in WRTC. It was strange using a
laptop but quite enjoyable. Everything worked and we got a lot of antenna
work done at my station on Thursday and Friday.
Unfortunately cndx were poor - very much at odds with the propagation
expected based "on the numbers". We felt pretty weak all weekend and our
rates showed it. By 0400z we were already almost 200 q's behind WW4T, which
was not a good sign. The CT qso numbering was such a disaster it became
funny after a while. I remember giving out #50 something on 10 and then
after a few 15 meter qso's, the next 10 meter number became something
like #852. Then it became the same as the 15 meter number. I am sure that
this confused more than a few people. I hope that the log-checkers have
a sense of humor!
It was annoying to have to deal with the 10-minute rule as
opposed to just working guys on the 2nd radio, and I realized what a
handicap it is. It also felt weird to use DX-Summit for spots as I haven't
used assistance for operating since being at an N2RM M/M many years ago.
Nothing fancy here though, just looking at DX-Summit and reading the calls
on the computer and then checking to see if they were new mults or not and
then using the other vfo to work them.
Interesting thing to have assistance - at first I was ignoring DX-Summit
but by the end of the contest I was counting on it. Guess I got lazy?
M/S is an interesting experience and to be competitive it takes some
different skills and strategies. Definitely a lot more fun to operate with
a good friend than to operate alone. Getting some sleep was nice too,
although it became clear that we could have benefitted by having a third
All in all we accomplished what we wanted. We had fun, we tested out the
setup we will be using at WRTC and we got some antenna work done to improve
the station. Many thanks to Dan, W7WA for coming cross-country to operate
with me and for all his help and assistance.
Congrats to the KT1V and WW4T crews for their great scores. Tnx to everyone
for all the qso's! CU in Finland!
Bob KQ2M
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature _________________________________
Robert Shohet KQ2M
51 Scudder Road
Newtown, CT 06470
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