[3830] Re: [CQ-Contest] 2002 Russian DX Contest - Claimed Scores 17Mar2002

Igor sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Mon Mar 18 08:38:14 EST 2002

We had to compensate for the slipless night so most of the scores from
Russiand will show up later.
At RF9C we made this year around 2860 QSO for the total score of 8,7 million
Unfortunately the propogation on Sunday was not as good as on Friday.  That
is  why it seemed like there were very few NA stations participating. Noted
anyway that several (like N2NT, K3WW and some others) had well over 1000 QSO
after the first 12 hours of the contest. Hopefully it was enjoible for all
those who took part seriously.

73, Igor UA9CDC

> 2002 Russian DX Contest - Claimed Scores 17Mar2002
> Where are the Russians?
> dink

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