[3830] LY1YK CQ WW WPX CW M/S HP (Multi Single)

ly2fy ly2fy at takas.lt
Tue May 28 14:30:45 EDT 2002

                              CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-May-02, 26-May-02

    Callsign Used : LY1YK
         Operator : LY2FY,LY2CO,LY3CI

         Category : M/S HP (Multi Single)

 Default Exchange : 599

        Team/Club : KTU RC (Kaunas University of Technology Radio Club)

             Name : Rolandas Jokubauskas
          Address : P.o.box 59
   City/State/Zip : 5500,Mazeikiai
          Country : Lithuania

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

  160CW       25          25         56        5 
   80CW      190         190        435       46 
   40CW      387         387       1197      164 
   20CW      898         898       1767      356 
   15CW      875         875       2066      286 
   10CW      368         368        664       81 

 Totals     2743        2743       6185      938 

    Final Score = 5801530 points.

  Rig. : Kenwood TS850S,TS570D,RA3AO * 3 1kw Amplifayers

  ANT. : 160M - DIpol,Delta-loop
          80M - Dipol,Delta-loop,Inverted-V,2 el. delta-loop (315)
          40M - 2 el. delta-loop (to 135,225,315)3 el. Delta-loop (to 45)
          20M - 4 el. KLM KT34A Yagi,2 el.Qubical Quad
          15M - 4 el. KLM KT34A Yagi,2 el.Qubical Quad
          10M - 4 el. KLM KT34A Yagi,3 el.Qubical Quad

 This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter within
 the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
 regulations of the contest.

 Date ______________   Signed _____________________________  Call ___________

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