[3830] CQWW SSB NK7U M/2 HP
k7zo at cableone.net
k7zo at cableone.net
Sat Nov 2 06:35:40 EST 2002
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: NK7U
Operator(s): NK7U, K7ZO, K7MK
Station: NK7U
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Oregon
Operating Time (hrs): 40
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 3 2 2
80: 97 18 39
40: 217 30 79
20: 595 36 131
15: 831 34 116
10: 252 27 75
Total: 1995 147 442 Total Score = 3,022,159
Always like to wait for the initial posting pileup to die back before sending
mine in.
This CQWW marked the shakedown cruise for the new NK7U contest superstation. Joe
and the gang spent the greater part of the last four months moving enough of his
old station across town to get a competitive signal on the air for this contest.
We still have a ways to go, but we have a good start. Surprisingly we had very
few glitches during the contest though we essentially had not made a single QSO
from it prior to the contest starting. OK, so we fried something in the 20M
circuitry on one of the amps, we had a bit more interference between stations
when operating simultaneously on 20 and 40M than we liked, and we had a weird
impedance mismatch between the sound card on one of the PCs and the Pro-Set
mic, but that was about it.
NK7Us station is about half built right now with three of the planned five
towers up. We got the rotating stacks in on 10-15-20 so that we had something we
could aim anywhere. Yet to come are the fixed stacks and multiplier antennas. We
were certainly spoiled at the old place by having fixed & rotating stacks
available on 10-15-20. The rotators sure got a workout this time! We also got
part of the 40-80-160M antennas in, though ran out of time for anything on 160M.
Joe managed to squeeze a couple of 160M Qs out of the 80M dipole but that was
it. Still to come is getting a full size 3 ele 40M beam up, rebuilding Joes 3
el 80M beam and getting it up, and putting something in for 160M. Joes current
antenna setup is something like:
10M: 7/7 at 45/75
15M: 6/6 at 80/125
20M: 6/6 at 60/125
40M: 4 at 135
80M: rotating dipole at 135
Inside we have three operating positions ready to go with full access to the
antenna & rotator matrix. We are using WriteLog exclusively now and so
configured in a four PC network to run the station with. On most of the station
we have upgraded to 17 monitors which is great appreciated by us with aging
eyes who like the bigger fonts. The fourth PC is used as the Server and is also
where the packet connection is made. This setup worked like a champ. It used to
be that when we lost the packet connection one of the operators would have to
stop working Qs and get the connection re-established. Now, we can have a spare
op walk over and reconnect.
Complementing the excitement of getting the station up and running, the contest
itself was more of a disappointment than anything for us in the northwest part
of the US. The often-mentioned aurora really reeked havoc on our propagation to
a much greater extent than many others experienced. I am going to try to do more
analysis on this in the future to see what really happened. For us conditions
were best through the first 8-10 hours of the contest and then turned bad for
the duration.
Some fun facts and tidbits;
* We had a total of 5 Qs on 10M into Europe -- 2 CTs, 1 EA, 1 F, and an I.
That was it! It really was hard listening to some of you out there running 10M
at a high rate between the US East coast and Europe. We actually had almost four
times this number of QSOs on 10M into Africa. For us 10M this contest was
already at what we expect in years to come.
* Toward JA, 10M was open at the start of the contest but then shut down. We had
a total of 35 JA QSOs on 10M. We actually ended up the contest with 3 times
this total of JA contacts on 40M and about this number on 80M.
* Some quotable quotes already posted: SP5DDJ -- No zones 1 & 3 on both 10m and
15m bands, OZ8AE -- still needed zones 1 and 3 (on 10M) when the band closed
down, DA0ED -- Never heard zone 3 on 10 and only N6BV on 15m., VE7AV --
Aurora at my latitude this weekend reduced the useability of 20 meters for more
that 50% of the time., W7DX -- Had an EU opening on 15m at 1:30am the first
night, and that was it for europe on 15 that was easily workable. Not much of
anything on 10m. Contesting from W7 makes you tough.
* 15M was not much better with a total of about 130 Qs into Europe. K7MK was
able to string together a run of about 10Qs but most of the 130 were S&P. The
band was in reasonable shape toward Asia and we had 380 some JAs in the log on
* Though we were running M/2, to give us a chance to exercise the station to a
great extent than M/S, these band conditions were such we only rarely were
running on two stations at once -- a condition also experienced at W7DX. We were
also a bit operator challenged with only NK7U and K7ZO being there full time and
K7MK for the last half. About half of the regular crew are in the middle of
moving and were unable to make it this year, though they promise they will be
available by ARRL next spring. There are some periods during the middle of the
night when everyone was spending the time making horizontal QSOs so our score
was a bit reduced from what it might have been if we could have stayed awake for
48 hours. We certainly believe that we do this stuff for fun. Its not worth
killing yourself.
* We did have a good opening on 15 & 20M over the pole the first night as
mentioned by W7DX and others. At 07:30UTC, or 12:30am, we worked IR4T, EN7Z,
S51FB, and 9A7A on 15M. This was about 4 hours after 15M closed to JA. From
0645-0845UTC 20M was open all across Europe with many stations in the log. This
opening was totally absent the second night.
* We did have a great opening on 40 and 80M into JA on Sunday morning. Both
NK7U, on 80M, and K7ZO, on 40M, had great runs from 11:00-13:00UTC. During one
furious 25-minute period NK7U put 20 JAs into the log on 80M. That is when he
decided the rotating dipole at 135 was going to be ok.
* Complements to the other two big west coast M/2 efforts. W7DX beat us easily
from a more northerly QTH. Well done. Some of that crew had contacted Joe about
operating from NK7U but we wanted to shake it down before having folks travel in
from afar. Maybe next time, if for no other reason to reduce the competition!
Then there was W6KK who took advantage of their southerly QTH to well more than
double our score. Well done to both of you.
Thanks everyone for the QSOs. See you next time.
The numbers follow
Continent Breakdown
160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total %
AS 0 29 113 98 457 40 737 36.9
SA 0 7 10 42 36 90 185 9.3
OC 0 4 9 10 25 18 66 3.3
NA 3 54 40 152 169 80 498 25.0
AF 0 3 6 19 14 19 61 3.1
EU 0 0 39 274 130 5 448 22.5
Band/Country Counts
160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total
3V 1 1
3W 1 1
4J 1 1
4L 1 1
4U1V 1 1
4W 1 1
4X 2 1 3
5B 2 1 3
5U 1 1 2
6W 1 1 1 3
6Y 1 1 2 1 2 7
8P 2 2 3 2 2 11
9A 1 4 2 7
9G 1 1 2
9K 1 1
9M2 1 2 3
9M6 1 1
9Q 1 1
9V 1 1 2
9Y 1 2 2 5
A6 1 1
BV 1 2 2 5
BY 1 19 1 21
C6 1 1 1 1 1 5
CE 1 1 1 8 11
CE0A 1 1
CE9 1 1
CM 2 2 3 2 5 14
CN 2 1 1 4
CP 1 1 2
CT 1 3 2 6
CT3 1 2 2 2 7
CX 2 1 6 9
D4 1 1 1 1 1 5
DL 4 22 11 37
DU 1 2 11 3 17
EA 3 6 22 1 32
EA8 2 3 2 6 13
EA9 1 1
EI 1 1
EK 1 1
ER 3 3
ES 2 2
EU 3 3
EX 2 1 3
F 1 9 11 1 22
FJ 1 1 1 1 4
FK 1 1
FM 1 1 1 3 1 7
FR 1 1 2
FY 1 1 1 3
G 2 9 2 13
GD 1 1 1 3
GI 1 1 2 4
GJ 1 1 2
GM 1 6 7
GU 1 1 2
GW 1 1 2
HA 6 2 8
HB 1 2 1 4
HB0 1 1 1 3
HC 1 1 3 5
HC8 1 1 1 1 4
HI 1 1 1 2 1 6
HK 4 2 1 7
HL 4 27 31
HP 1 1
HR 1 1 4 6
HS 1 2 3
I 2 14 14 1 31
IG9 1 2 1 1 5
IT9 3 3
J3 1 1 2 1 2 7
J6 1 1
JA 26 103 27 383 35 574
JD/o 1 1 1 3
JT 1 2 3
JW 1 2 1 4
JY 1 1
K 1 9 69 86 13 178
KH0 1 1 1 3
KH2 1 1 1 1 4
KH6 2 1 2 2 4 11
KL 1 1 3 4 9
KP2 2 2 2 3 2 11
KP4 1 1 3 3 5 13
LA 2 1 3
LU 1 6 8 32 47
LX 1 1 2
LY 1 11 1 13
LZ 2 2
OA 1 1 1 1 4
OE 5 1 6
OH 1 5 10 16
OH0 2 2 2 6
OK 1 12 3 16
OM 5 1 6
ON 2 3 2 7
OZ 1 3 4
P4 1 1 4 3 4 13
PA 4 4
PJ2 1 1 1 1 2 6
PJ7 1 1 1 1 1 5
PY 1 12 7 23 43
PY0F 1 1 1 1 4
PZ 1 1 1 3
S5 2 10 10 22
S9 1 1
SM 1 6 2 9
SP 2 16 3 21
SV 1 1 2
SV5 1 1
SV9 1 1
T32 1 1
T8 1 1 2
T9 1 1
TF 2 2
TG 1 1 2
TI 1 1 3 2 4 11
TK 1 1 2
TY 1 1 2
UA 2 48 6 56
UA2 1 3 4
UA9 1 2 44 13 60
UN 9 9
UR 22 1 23
V2 1 1 1 1 1 5
V3 1 1 1 3
V4 1 1 1 1 1 5
VE 2 17 16 36 41 18 130
VK 1 1 2 4
VK9N 1 1 1 1 4
VP2E 1 1 1 1 1 5
VP2M 1 1 1 1 1 5
VP5 3 2 3 3 3 14
VP8/h 1 1 2
VP9 1 1 1 2 1 6
VU 2 2
XE 2 1 7 4 5 19
XX9 1 1 1 1 4
YB 1 1 4 1 7
YI 1 1
YL 1 3 2 6
YO 1 1
YS 1 2 3
YU 1 5 3 9
YV 3 1 1 3 3 11
Z3 1 1 2
ZA 1 1
ZD8 1 1 1 1 1 5
ZF 1 1 1 1 1 5
ZK1/n 1 1 1 1 4
ZK1/s 1 1
ZL 1 1 1 3
ZL7 1 1 2
ZP 1 1 2 4
ZS 4 1 2 7
Rate Breakdown
QSO/ZN+DX by hour and band
Hour 160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total Cumm
D1-0000Z --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- 82/41 37/31 119/72 119/72
D1-0100Z - 1/2 - - 46/15 20/7 67/24 186/96
D1-0200Z - - 1/2 26/38 40/11 - 67/51 253/147
D1-0300Z - - 9/14 40/43 18/4 - 67/61 320/208
D1-0400Z - 9/11 15/18 2/2 - - 26/31 346/239
D1-0500Z - 2/3 25/26 11/12 - - 38/41 384/280
D1-0600Z - 22/20 12/8 12/5 - - 46/33 430/313
D1-0700Z - 6/2 13/15 16/9 4/5 - 39/31 469/344
D1-0800Z --+-- 4/1 25/6 10/4 --+-- --+-- 39/11 508/355
D1-0900Z - - - - - - 0/0 508/355
D1-1000Z - - - - - - 0/0 508/355
D1-1100Z - - - - - - 0/0 508/355
D1-1200Z - - - - - - 0/0 508/355
D1-1300Z - 1/2 11/4 - - - 12/6 520/361
D1-1400Z - - 8/6 11/2 - - 19/8 539/369
D1-1500Z - - 1/0 53/7 - - 54/7 593/376
D1-1600Z --+-- --+-- --+-- 47/6 8/10 7/8 62/24 655/400
D1-1700Z - - - 39/4 31/10 3/4 73/18 728/418
D1-1800Z - - - 43/5 27/7 5/6 75/18 803/436
D1-1900Z - - - 8/1 - 20/12 28/13 831/449
D1-2000Z - - - 11/3 9/10 25/6 45/19 876/468
D1-2100Z - - - - 17/8 5/1 22/9 898/477
D1-2200Z - - - - 98/1 10/0 108/1 1006/478
D1-2300Z - - - - 91/0 17/4 108/4 1114/482
D2-0000Z --+-- --+-- --+-- 12/7 32/2 7/0 51/9 1165/491
D2-0100Z - - - 47/2 42/2 - 89/4 1254/495
D2-0200Z - - - 47/4 40/2 - 87/6 1341/501
D2-0300Z - - - 56/0 1/1 - 57/1 1398/502
D2-0400Z 2/3 3/1 1/2 23/1 - - 29/7 1427/509
D2-0500Z - 4/5 4/0 4/1 - - 12/6 1439/515
D2-0600Z 1/1 2/1 3/0 - - - 6/2 1445/517
D2-0700Z - - - - - - 0/0 1445/517
D2-0800Z --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- 0/0 1445/517
D2-0900Z - - - - - - 0/0 1445/517
D2-1000Z - - - - - - 0/0 1445/517
D2-1100Z - - 38/5 - - - 38/5 1483/522
D2-1200Z - 36/4 46/2 - - - 82/6 1565/528
D2-1300Z - 6/3 5/1 7/0 - - 18/4 1583/532
D2-1400Z - 1/2 - 11/2 2/0 - 14/4 1597/536
D2-1500Z - - - 11/2 7/5 - 18/7 1615/543
D2-1600Z --+-- --+-- --+-- 14/2 15/4 6/9 35/15 1650/558
D2-1700Z - - - 2/0 6/2 8/6 16/8 1666/566
D2-1800Z - - - 16/2 27/4 7/3 50/9 1716/575
D2-1900Z - - - 4/1 12/0 28/1 44/2 1760/577
D2-2000Z - - - 2/0 9/0 12/2 23/2 1783/579
D2-2100Z - - - 4/1 46/4 12/1 62/6 1845/585
D2-2200Z - - - - 61/1 5/0 66/1 1911/586
D2-2300Z - - - 6/1 60/1 18/1 84/3 1995/589
Total: 3/4 97/57 217/109 595/167 831/150 252/102
DX by hour and band.
160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total Cumm
D1-0000Z ---+- ---+- ---+- ---+- 25 18 43 43
D1-0100Z - 1 - - 9 5 15 58
D1-0200Z - - 1 23 7 - 31 89
D1-0300Z - - 9 35 4 - 48 137
D1-0400Z - 8 12 2 - - 22 159
D1-0500Z - 2 22 8 - - 32 191
D1-0600Z - 14 6 4 - - 24 215
D1-0700Z - 1 11 8 4 - 24 239
D1-0800Z ---+- 1 4 4 ---+- ---+- 9 248
D1-0900Z - - - - - - 0 248
D1-1000Z - - - - - - 0 248
D1-1100Z - - - - - - 0 248
D1-1200Z - - - - - - 0 248
D1-1300Z - 1 3 - - - 4 252
D1-1400Z - - 4 2 - - 6 258
D1-1500Z - - - 5 - - 5 263
D1-1600Z ---+- ---+- ---+- 5 8 7 20 283
D1-1700Z - - - 4 10 3 17 300
D1-1800Z - - - 5 5 5 15 315
D1-1900Z - - - 1 - 9 10 325
D1-2000Z - - - 3 9 4 16 341
D1-2100Z - - - - 8 1 9 350
D1-2200Z - - - - 1 - 1 351
D1-2300Z - - - - - 3 3 354
D2-0000Z ---+- ---+- ---+- 5 2 ---+- 7 361
D2-0100Z - - - 2 2 - 4 365
D2-0200Z - - - 3 2 - 5 370
D2-0300Z - - - - 1 - 1 371
D2-0400Z 2 1 1 1 - - 5 376
D2-0500Z - 4 - 1 - - 5 381
D2-0600Z - 1 - - - - 1 382
D2-0700Z - - - - - - 0 382
D2-0800Z ---+- ---+- ---+- ---+- ---+- ---+- 0 382
D2-0900Z - - - - - - 0 382
D2-1000Z - - - - - - 0 382
D2-1100Z - - 3 - - - 3 385
D2-1200Z - 2 2 - - - 4 389
D2-1300Z - 2 1 - - - 3 392
D2-1400Z - 1 - 2 - - 3 395
D2-1500Z - - - 2 5 - 7 402
D2-1600Z ---+- ---+- ---+- 1 4 6 11 413
D2-1700Z - - - - 1 6 7 420
D2-1800Z - - - 2 3 3 8 428
D2-1900Z - - - 1 - 1 2 430
D2-2000Z - - - - - 2 2 432
D2-2100Z - - - 1 4 1 6 438
D2-2200Z - - - - 1 - 1 439
D2-2300Z - - - 1 1 1 3 442
Total: 2 39 79 131 116 75
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
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