[3830] WW CW - VE4XT - SOAB

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 24 19:19:13 EST 2002


Band   QSOs  DX  Zones
80 -      8         1       2
40 -      43       11      8
20 -      123      13     12
15 -       230      27     15
10 -        36       10      9

Total       440     62      46
Score: 99,252.

Soapbox: Not a great year for 10 meters, but did run some JAs and worked
Brett in Hong Kong. 15 was the money band from here, but having some home
projects on Saturday and two kids to watch Sunday kind kills rate. Apologies
to K3PP, who must have been wondering what the heck happened after my
two-year-old son turned off my power supply. Fortunately, the 850 defaults
back to the last frequency. Where was eastern Europe ?

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