abianar at supercable.es abianar at supercable.es
Tue Nov 26 05:31:32 EST 2002

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: EA7RM
Operator(s): EA7RM
Station: EA7RM

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: IM87cs
Operating Time (hrs): 43
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   19     3       17
   80:  203    10       53
   40:  658    21       83
   20:  423    23       77
   15:  617    27       97
   10:  678    25       94
Total: 2598   109      421  Total Score = 3,007,750



Average conditions , high bands closed too early even 20 meters . Best band was
40 m.

Very bad weather here all the weekend, rain and strong winds specially on Sunday
, at 15Z my rotator couln´t resist more and i ended the contest with my antenna
stucked to the Caribbean, could be worse if it decided to stop in another
direction , will try to check and fix it as soon as possible but i´m afraid will
miss ARRL 10 M :-((

Like always lot of fun, thanks for all the qsos´s.

73s, Nino
EA7RM ( ex-EA7GTF )

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