[3830] CQWWCW SOAB/80 LP

John Dunnington g3lzq at john-dunnington.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Nov 26 19:39:01 EST 2002

Summary Sheet  CQWW CW Single Operator Single Band 80m LP
Callsign       : G3LZQ
Claimed Score  : 78538
Created by     : SD V9.91 and SDCHECK V9.91
Contest        : CQ WW Contest
Date(s)        : 23/24 November 2002
Mode           : CW
Single/Multi Op: Single Op
Section        : Low Power Single Band 80m
Contest Exchange (Zone): 14

                160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

    Valid QSOs:    0  513    0    0    0    0   513
     Total Mults:    0  105    0    0    0    0   105
    Total Points:    0  731    0    0    0    0   731

    Zone Mults:    0   16    0    0    0    0    16

 Country Mults:   0   89    0    0    0    0    89

TX/RX      : Yaesu FT-1000MP
Power o/p  : 100w
Antennas   : Dipole @ 55ft  +  4-Square Array (350ft from Shack 9913 Coax)
Operators  : John Dunnington G3LZQ

Comments   : Hasty rethink on Friday evening resulted in the crazy
             to go SO/LP on 80m!!  Vic G4BYG was guest op with M2D SO HP
             from my QTH. A good move we kept each other motivated through
             rough patches..!
             Great fun 99.9% S&P cracking big pile up on the DX despite
mediocre cndx.

             Rx advantage of 4-sq improved the situation when condx got
             really bad during Sat Nite. QRN and General Noise from dense
             added to the overall drama..even the odd major static crash...
             Only 62 NA so Pts/QSO well down at 1.42  Lots worked not
             on Dipole or at best ESP Mode.
             Hrd only 2-JA's and ZL6 at 339 but my flea-power not enough.
             Highlight probably HC8N (0154z) and XT2DX (0225z)given the
             pileups from both EU and NA.

             G3LZQ   -   Country Multipliers for 80m Metres

            3V     4J     4L     4U1I   4X     5B     6W     6Y     8P
            9H     A6     C5     C6     CM     CN     CT     CT3    CU
            D4     DL     EA     EA6    EA8    EI     ER     ES     EU
            F      G      GI     GJ     GM     GU     GW     HA     HB
            HC8    I      IG9    J3     J7     JT     JY     K      KP2
            LA     LX     LY     LZ     OE     OH     OK     OM     ON
            OZ     P4     PA     PJ2    PJ7    PY     S5     SM     SP
            TA     TK     UA     UA2    UA9    UN     UR     V2     VE
            XT     YL     YO     YU     YV     Z3     ZA     ZC4    ZF

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