[3830] CQ/RJ RTTY - SOAB Assisted - 8P6SH

Dean M. St. Hill vision2000 at sunbeach.net
Mon Sep 30 13:40:42 EDT 2002

CQ World-Wide RTTY DX Contest


Single Op. Assisted low power

Qs Pts Zns DX states

80m: 12 27 5 6 8

40m: 84 206 12 30 27

20m: 112 294 14 38 25

15m: 111 298 14 41 21

10m: 304 830 17 60 35

Total: 623 1655 62 175 116=20

Total mults 353=20

Claimed Score: 584215

Station Description: Kenwood TS 850s, G5RV, HF6V vertical

Remarks (Biggest thrill in Contest, funniest story, comments, etc.):=20

My original plan was simply to get over 700Qs and to beat last year's=20

score, as well as every individual stat over the past few years, which=20

should have translated to a score of upward of 700K. But had to spend

a good part of Saturday doing some repairs from Tropical storm Lili.

None of my antennas were affected, but my cable antenna had come down,

(makes you wonder - but they used some sort of wire guys which broke,

while I used only marine braided nylon on mine...) Anyway thanks for al

Thanks to: KI1G, AA5AU, K1TTT, HC8N, P43P & HP1XVH for QSYing so I could

work them on all five bands. Thanks too to those who QSYed for three or=20

four band QSOs and mults. Sorry to those that couldn't work my peanut=20


Stations in EU and NA tend to have real difficulty hearing me because=20

of the local QRM I believe. I'll address that with better antennas =

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