[3830] 2003 CQWW VHF W4VHF Rover LP

Ted Goldthorpe, Jr. tgoldthorpe at bellsouth.net
Sun Aug 3 21:23:03 EDT 2003

[3830] 2003 CQWW VHF W4VHF Rover LP

6M:        206 Qs    85   Multipliers

2M:        288 Qs    88   Multipliers

TOTALS: 494 Qs   173  Multipliers

TOTAL SCORE:    135,286 pts.

QRV from 4 grids. 100 wts on both bands.
14 hours total operating time.

Operators: Ted, W4VHF; Itice, K4LVV 

Comments: Good 6M sporadic E on Saturday afternoon
                  'til 2300. Nothing on Saturday night...no AU
                  this far south. Had a lovely dinner out with
                  XYL. By the time we had reached 2nd grid
                  Sunday AM, it was 2 Qs per minute 'til noon
                  Sunday. A little FLA 6M stuff on Sunday 
                  afternoon. A GREAT event. Lets keep 'em 
                  coming W1XX.

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