[3830] CQWW DX CW HC8N M/M - Details

Stephen Merchant merchant at garlic.com
Wed Dec 10 07:41:21 EST 2003

                     CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2003

       Call:      HC8N
       Category:  Multi Multi
       Power:     High Power
       Band:      All Band
       Mode:      CW
       Country:   Galapagos Is.
       Zone:      10


       160      575     1706     2.97     23      59      N0JK
        80     1578     4684     2.97     33     109      N6RO
        40     3401    10121     2.98     39     132      N5KO K5KA
        20     3417    10134     2.97     40     149      N5RZ N6TR
        15     4049    11979     2.96     39     150      K6AW AA4NC
        10     3672    10867     2.96     38     141      K9NW W6RGG

      Totals  16692    49491     2.96    212     740  =>  47,115,432

160M:  TS850, AL-1200, 1/2 wave vertical dipoles for EU and JA,
        Beverages for EU and US
  80M:  FT1000MP, AL-1200, 2 el Delta loop for EU,
        half wave flattop @130' for JA
  40M:  TS930, AL-1200, full-size 3 el at 90' for EU, 402CD at 140' for US-JA
  20M:  TS850 (2), AL-1200, 4 el @ 43' - JA, 4 el @ 85' - EU, 4 el @140' rotary
  15M:  FT1000MP, IC756ProII, Alpha76 (3CX800s), 5 el @ 43' - US, 5 el @ 
62' - EU, 4 el @ 98' - JA,
        4 el @ 140' rotary
  10M:  FT1000MP, TS930, AL-1200, 5 el @ 23' - JA, 5 el @ 43' - US, 8 el @ 
62' - EU,
        5 el @ 140' rotary

Logging Software: CT and TRLog programs operating together over a CT loop 
Multiplier (and lid) Control:  The GATOR[tm].  (Also in charge of working 
                                see 20m zone total.)

Soapbox:  A remarkable trip for us this year - no transportation or customs 
no radio, computer, network or antenna failures.  Our big, expensive 
generator decided to take
a siesta, so we were at the mercy of the local power company.  Fortunately 
for us, the
power stayed on all weekend.  Also we didn't experience any major solar 
events like the
last three years.  Special thanks to Dave, W6NL, for racing around the 
countryside in
search of replacement generator parts, and to Tim, N4GN for arranging 
in case parts needed to be air shipped.

Some new guys on the team this year - Tree, N6TR finally made it to HC8 and 
had a great time.
Will, AA4NC and Ken, N6RO were the other first-time ops.  All three were 
major contributors
and we hope they come back next year.  Javier, W6VMS was also part of the 

ThanKS for all the Q's - see you next year!

73, Steve K6AW

                               Continent Statistics
      HC8N   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi      1 Dec 2003  0000z

                  160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America    517  889 1388 1874 1841 1780 8289    47.9
South America     10   29   43   65   88   74  309     1.8
Europe            42  505 1453 1088 1461 1340 5889    34.0
Asia              13  183  592  463  660  489 2400    13.9
Africa             6   13   22   39   38   22  140     0.8
Oceania            4   12   42   70   93   57  278     1.6


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

    0    28/8     68/25   155/46   227/46   207/27   192/22  877/174  877/174
    1    47/5     63/12   177/23   207/19   155/28    95/22  744/109 1621/283
    2    37/3     78/17   135/12   186/20   108/10    34/2    578/64 2199/347
    3    34/9     90/10   151/10   163/21    67/10    13/5    518/65 2717/412
    4    25/3     97/11   151/12   151/21    55/4     13/5    492/56 3209/468
    5    29/0     61/10   132/11   148/8     33/5     10/7    413/41 3622/509
    6    21/6     83/3    114/2    142/9     30/10     2/2    392/32 4014/541
    7    27/4     66/10   108/5     61/3      4/2      8/10   274/34 4288/575
    8    20/0     65/10   103/4     11/2      9/6      1/2    209/24 4497/599
    9    25/1     44/2    108/7      9/2     18/14    16/7    220/33 4717/632
   10    19/1     75/4    127/10    11/3     19/6     48/14   299/38 5016/670
   11    20/2     89/5    139/3    103/4    113/11    45/10   509/35 5525/705
   12      .      17/2     92/3     62/2    145/5    156/9    472/21 5997/726
   13      .        .      42/4     58/3    152/7    153/5    405/19 6402/745
   14      .        .       1/0     47/1    121/4    126/9    295/14 6697/759
   15      .        .        .       7/1    141/2    168/2    316/5  7013/764
   16    .....    .....    .....    12/0    166/6    198/5    376/11 7389/775
   17      .        .        .      16/2    124/2    115/4    255/8  7644/783
   18      .        .        .      63/3    124/1    132/1    319/5  7963/788
   19      .        .        .      60/3    146/2    158/0    364/5  8327/793
   20      .        .       1/1     70/4    134/3    142/4    347/12 8674/805
   21      .        .       2/1     99/0    153/1    143/1    397/3  9071/808
   22      .       2/3     51/0    108/0    101/2     80/0    342/5  9413/813
   23     8/3      7/2     88/1     82/1     95/0     83/1    363/8  9776/821
    0    34/3     39/0     96/4     89/0     84/2    106/2    448/1110224/832
    1    28/5     64/0     98/3    105/1    101/0     62/4    458/1310682/845
    2    26/3     40/3    129/2    106/3     81/0     12/0    394/1111076/856
    3    29/2     83/3    105/1     96/0     55/0      2/0    370/6 11446/862
    4    29/3     96/1    120/0     89/0     17/0     12/2    363/6 11809/868
    5    18/6     84/1    115/0     98/0      4/2     28/3    347/1212156/880
    6    21/8     65/1    129/1    103/0      2/1      4/0    324/1112480/891
    7    16/3     62/0    142/0     34/0      4/2      1/2    259/7 12739/898
    8    10/0     25/1    103/0      1/0     19/1      2/0    160/2 12899/900
    9     3/0     22/0     86/2     44/2     25/0     22/2    202/6 13101/906
   10     9/1     43/1     73/0    105/1      7/1       .     237/4 13338/910
   11    11/2     22/0     86/0     56/0     63/0     13/0    251/2 13589/912
   12      .      12/2     64/0     23/0    128/2    156/0    383/4 13972/916
   13      .        .      27/0     24/1    106/3    172/0    329/4 14301/920
   14      .        .        .      15/0    115/0    108/0    238/0 14539/920
   15      .        .        .       7/0    102/1    100/2    209/3 14748/923
   16    .....    .....    .....    29/0    131/1    103/2    263/3 15011/926
   17      .        .        .      17/0     79/0    145/2    241/2 15252/928
   18      .        .        .      32/0     92/0     91/2    215/2 15467/930
   19      .        .        .      45/1     73/1     96/2    214/4 15681/934
   20      .        .       1/0     22/1     60/2     48/2    131/5 15812/939
   21      .        .       8/0     34/0     92/0     86/1    220/1 16032/940
   22      .       1/1     58/1     68/0    110/0     97/1    334/3 16366/943
   23      .      14/2     84/2     71/1     79/2     75/1    323/8 16689/951
DAY1   340/45  905/126 1877/155 2103/178 2420/168 2131/149    ..... 9776/821
DAY2   234/36   672/16  1524/16  1313/11  1629/21  1541/30      .   6913/130
TOT    574/81 1577/142 3401/171 3416/189 4049/189 3672/179      .  16689/951

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