webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Feb 17 11:29:12 EST 2003

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: N3BB
Operator(s): N3BB
Station: N3BB

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 44
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   17    13
   80:   82    45
   40:  677    78
   20:  194    72
   15:  523    90
   10:  657    89
Total: 2150   387  Total Score = 2,496,150

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


That was a lot of hard work!  Apparently I came in third in the CTDXCC behind
K5PI (at W5KFT) and K5NA.  This was a close one.  I took two break periods:
08-09 the first night and 90 minutes before the during the 07 hour the second
night.  The first night's break coincided with the storm, and all the bands were
QRN'ed to death anyway and so that probably was a good break for an hour, but
when I got up from the nap, 40 meters was crystal clear and the JAs were rolling
so my break could have been shorter.  The second break included about one hour
of sleep, and I was so groggy when I arose that I honestly walked into the radio
room and was not able to figure out how to operate the contest for 20 minutes! 
It was one of the most unreal experiences in my life.  I was not able to
remember how to transmit my call letters for several minutes.

On ten meters on Sunday morning, I experienced the worst key clicking that I
have heard.  It was one of "those days" when ther band was sort of
flatish but there were some really loud signals, and they stood out. I got
sandwiched between K1RU and OK1RF, and both were clicking five KHz from their
main frequency.  Given my unmodified MP, I might have been the same to them.  I
tried operating with the 250 Hz filter, and that helped some, but for 20 or 30
minutes, I was in "clickers hell."  Then I could not stand it any longer and
QSYed up the band where it was OK.  That made me promise myself to get the
changes done to my radios so I am not guilty of that in the future.

Other little vignettes from my foggy memory at the present include being
moved to 40 by PY8AZT who needed TX!  It was the only time anyone asked me to
move.  The PY8 and I had worked before, but he came on my run freq and asked me
to move!  My little KT34A always amazes me as I used it to break all the pileups
on the non run band, and it got almost everyone on one call, or no more than two
or three calls.  The only exceptions were WP2Z, ZP6CW, and FO5RK (?) when I had
to turn the high stack on that antenna to the station.  Also, the new 160 sloper
worked well.  Got D4B on one call, and everyone else I could hear.  On 80
meters, the tired old inverted vee was very good, and I was surprised that I was
able to work everyone I heard there except for UW0ZZ.

I tried hard to move stations for mults.  This year it seemed that more and
more stations said "no" and I suspect that the SO2R and multi craze makes it
very hard, as many times these stations call someone on the CQers freq, they are
going to be asked to QSY.  In a quick review of my log, there were 14 successful
moves.   There were one or two
additional moves that were separated by some other QSOs on the log pages and I
can't locate them now, but these are the bulk of them.  I tried quite a few
additional stations but we were not successful.


station: N3BB
contest: ARRL DX Contest

UTC   160   80   40   20   15   10  rate total
00Z     0    0    1    1   20   81   103   103
01Z     0    0    0   16   68    1    85   188
02Z     0    0   25    3   11    0    39   227
03Z     1    2   41    1    0    0    45   272
04Z     3   14   23    0    0    0    40   312
05Z     2    4   55    0    0    0    61   373
06Z     1    9   55    0    0    0    65   438
07Z     2    3   56    0    0    0    61   499
08Z     0    0    0    0    0    0     0   499
09Z     0    0    0    0    0    0     0   499
10Z     0    2   51    0    0    0    53   552
11Z     1    6   87    0    0    0    94   646
12Z     0    4   67    0    0    0    71   717
13Z     1    2    4    2   52    9    70   787
14Z     0    0    0    0  110   11   121   908
15Z     0    0    0    0   42   76   118  1026
16Z     0    0    0    1    2   82    85  1111
17Z     0    0    0    1   22   43    66  1177
18Z     0    0    0    1   22   16    39  1216
19Z     0    0    0   10   17   12    39  1255
20Z     0    0    0   27   16    0    43  1298
21Z     0    0    0   11    7    6    24  1322
22Z     0    0    0   18    5    0    23  1345
23Z     0    0    1    9    3   44    57  1402
00Z     0    0   17    2    1    0    20  1422
01Z     0    0    4    3   42    0    49  1471
02Z     0    0   13   21    0    0    34  1505
03Z     2   15    0   19    0    0    36  1541
04Z     1    5   12    7    0    0    25  1566
05Z     0    5   11    0    0    0    16  1582
06Z     3    8    3    0    0    0    14  1596
07Z     0    0    0    0    0    0     0  1596
08Z     0    0   23    1    0    0    24  1620
09Z     0    0   32    0    0    0    32  1652
10Z     0    0   23    0    0    0    23  1675
11Z     0    2   25    0    0    0    27  1702
12Z     0    1   34    0    0    0    35  1737
13Z     0    0    0   20   19    0    39  1776
14Z     0    0    0    5    2   58    65  1841
15Z     0    0    0    0    2   58    60  1901
16Z     0    0    0    0    1   60    61  1962
17Z     0    0    0    0   17   56    73  2035
18Z     0    0    0    2   12    7    21  2056
19Z     0    0    0    3   12    3    18  2074
20Z     0    0    0    1   13    2    16  2090
21Z     0    0    0    0    3    5     8  2098
22Z     0    0    0    0    2   27    29  2127
23Z     0    0   14    9    0    0    23  2150
tot    17   82  677  194  523  657  ----  2150

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