[3830] IARU K5GN(@W5KU) SO CW HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Jul 15 00:29:56 EDT 2003

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: K5GN
Operator(s): K5GN
Station: W5KU

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: S. Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:    38    0       9
   80:   118    0      26
   40:   392    0      53
   20:   627    0      71
   15:   436    0      57
   10:    88    0      16
Total:  1699    0     232  Total Score = 1,220,320



Conditions were really punk, especially at the start.  They got better after all
hope for good DX rate on 15 was gone.  20 was good after dark, but faded to
black a little after European sunrise ended the competition for time with 40m. 
Lots of great HQ stations -- seems more and more amateurs are finding ways to
get their country's HQ station on the air.  Great fun, but still creates a
European multiplier advantage that originally was not part of the competitive

QRN was not as bad as last year, but the lack of signal strength made up for

Perhaps 2004 will be better propagation than this year.  I felt like the band
opening quality, timing, and length was less than you'd expect near the bottom
of the cycle.

Too bad so many people heard the bad stuff and quit.  The contest was very
interesting, with openings coming and going so quickly.

Thanks very much to my host, W5KU, as usual.  His hospitality hasn't waned even
though he recently lost one of his kidneys.

This was the first time since the big storm in 1998 that every antenna was up
and working.  Wow.  No big Murphy problems except for not enough time for sleep
before the contest -- the usual -- and not getting a new version of TRLog battle
tested to work out the kinks beforehand.

Too bad the JA's don't like this contest as much as others.  Hardly worked

The OpAid6 Award for this year goes to N6OL, who called me 5 times on 20m.

Great fun, CU in the NA Sprint in September.

Continent List  K5GN

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =     30    87   194   336   268    69     0     0     0    984
  VE calls    =      5     9    24    43    34     5     0     0     0    120
  N.A. calls  =      2     5     7     8     7     1     0     0     0     30
  S.A. calls  =      0     4    14    15    15    11     0     0     0     59
  Euro calls  =      0     4    48   149    79     1     0     0     0    281
  Afrc calls  =      0     2     1     5     2     1     0     0     0     11
  Asia calls  =      0     0     8    26     7     0     0     0     0     41
  JA calls    =      0     2    74    21     3     0     0     0     0    100
  Ocen calls  =      1     4    14    12    11     0     0     0     0     42

  Total calls =     38   117   384   615   426    88     0     0     0   1668

HOUR  160CW    80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   12       0       0      53      40       0       0      93      93
   13       0       0      26      83       0       0     109     202
   14       0       0       0       7      57       6      70     272
   15       0       0       0      13      92      14     119     391
   16       0       0       0       8      79      12      99     490
   17       0       0       0      36      43      17      96     586
   18       0       0       0       5      42      25      72     658
   19       0       0       0      22      45       2      69     727
   20       0       0       0      38      15       0      53     780
   21       0       0       0      34       9       6      49     829
   22       0       0       0      54       6       1      61     890
   23       0       0       0      60       7       0      67     957

    0       0       0      15      39      13       5      72    1029
    1       0       8      16      21      13       0      58    1087
    2       0       4       8      82       0       0      94    1181
    3       3      20       9       7       5       0      44    1225
    4       1       0      81      10       0       0      92    1317
    5       0      14      14      30       0       0      58    1375
    6      21      21       9       1       0       0      52    1427
    7       5       5      34       4       0       0      48    1475
    8       0      19      19       3       0       0      41    1516
    9       7      20       9       2       0       0      38    1554
   10       0       2      63       3       0       0      68    1622
   11       1       4      28      13       0       0      46    1668

  TOTAL    38     117     384     615     426      88 


160   - Half-wave sloper from 160' to North
      - NE(1000'), NW(580'), SW(450'), SE(300') single-wire terminated bevgs.

80    - Two element delta loop parasitic array NE, tops at 130'
      - Inverted vee facing NW/SE, top at 130'
      - Shares beverages with 160

40    - Cal-AV two element full size driven arrays 2/2 at 165/70
      - Two element delta loop parasitic array NW, tops at 100'

20    - Hygain 205CAS, 5/5/5 140/100/50, top rotates, mid and low fixed NE
      - Hygain 204BAS, 4/4, upper rotates, lower fixed NW
      - Tribander of some type, fixed SE

15    - KLM 6el yagis, 6/6 135/90, top rotates, low fixed NE.
      - Hygain 155CAS, 5/5 110/70, fixed NW.
      - Hygain 155BA, 5 el fixed SE.

10    - M2 7el yagis, 7/7/7 105/70/35, top rotates, mid and low fixed NE.
      - Hygain 105BA, 5 el fixed SE.

Three stations one computer
20/160 TS930+Alpha 76
40/10  FT1000MPMkV+ Alpha 78
15/80  FT1000D+Henry 3K


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