[3830] Rule Change for IARU test

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Jul 15 17:13:10 EDT 2003

WO4O asks for:

> Add LOW POWER category.
> Add QRP category.
> Add Club/Team Competition.

I can see an argument for the first two, but as an international event 
is the third appropriate? And if yes, do you separate the clubs out by 
continent or what?  What are the club criteria??

Having worked at the ARRL when this one was in its planning stages years 
ago ( anyone remember open CD Parties? ) the ARRL happens ONLY to manage 
the IARU event, this does not mean it is an ARRL event, the contest 
branch at ARRL merely does the number crunching.

Remember event sponsors are doing it to promote something - the ARRL DX 
promotes DXCC, the SS promotes WAS, etc...  but with the IARU contest it 
is not promoting any ARRL award "directly" and hence things like the 
club competition categories which help support the ARRL Field 
Organization are "moot".

IF worldwide interests are in sync with these "domestic" interests that 
is one thing... if they are just domestic interests they need to be 
handled outside of the organizers... an example being this past weekends 
"WRTC Style" affair... the WWDX guys have had mini contests within other 
contests for years and kept enthusiasm up within their ranks, perhaps 
some "domestic" group would like to cull through the results and work 
them backwards but seeing as the data requested by the IARU for log 
entries is exclusive of the information at the top of this post it would 
be tough if not impossible.

> Why do the rules need to be changed?
> To increase participation.  By adding new competition categories there
> will be added value to the contest.  More participants will increase
> activity to compete for awards. 

Again from your "domestic" perspective... take a look at the DA0HQ 
totals each year if you want to see where the serious activity in this 
one is, seems like the Europeans to some extent are more aggressive in 
the Radiosport than in the WAE (is it the packet thing ;-) ? )

> One example:  Did anybody notice the larger than normal number of HQ
> stations S&Ping due to low activity when they would normally be CQing to
> keep the rate up?  Does anybody believe that the low activity is solely a
> result of poor propagation?

Any contester worth his salt will do what is necessary to keep the Qs 
rolling in - if that means abandoning running in favor of S&P so be it 
(but when do I make that decision :-))

> How will this rule change affect the costs to administrate the contest?
> Costs will increase.
> How can added costs be offset?
> As administrator for the contest, the ARRL can sell memorabilia, such as
> pins, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc.  More competition categories = more
> participants = more "buyers" (of memorabilia) = more money!

This is a minimal revenue producer, more of a "cute thing" than a cash 
sock... I seriously doubt you can get the needed funds this route.

Again this is a very limited view - a US view, perhaps it is best to get 
input form other hams overseas, Ric.

> Conclusion?
> Arguing that added costs to add competition categories is prohibitive is
> not valid when there is a viable solution.
> Once we identify the decision makers for rule changes and the policy and
> procedure for presenting a formal proposal, it is my intent to announce a
> more developed and detailed plan-of-action to effect these changes.

Again, this is a Worldwide affair, and again - look at those DA0HQ totals!


Jim, K4OJ

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