[3830] ARRL June VHF K5TR Limited Multi-Op HP

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Mon Jun 16 13:15:01 EDT 2003

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: K5TR
Operator(s): KE5C, WM5R, KG5U, W5JEN, K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: Limited Multi-Op HP
QTH: EM00uf
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6: 1128   252
    2:  130    34
  222:   22    12
  432:   34    13
Total: 1314   311  Total Score = 426,070




    Contest Dates : 14-Jun-03, 15-Jun-03, 16-Jun-03

    Callsign Used : K5TR
        Operators : KE5C, WM5R, KG5U, W5JEN, K5TR
         Category : Limited Multiop
 Default Exchange : EM00

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   
    6       1168        1128       1128     252 
    2        134         130        130      34 
  222         22          22         44      12 
  432         35          34         68      13 

 Totals     1359        1314       1370     311 

    Final Score = 426070 points.

I was really looking forward to this contest.  I worked on
improving the station some in the weeks before the contest 
including building an putting up a new 8 element six meter yagi.

The contest was fun on six meters this year - well it was fun
on Saturday - Sunday was very slow tough going. 

The contest started off well and the rates were good but 
during the 0Z hour they took off - the band opened to a huge
area of the country and the rate went through the roof. 
It peaked out with 238 qsos in one 60 minute period from 
0036z - 0136z. The pileups were 10 to 20 deep many times 
and it was shear fun.  One of the things about Es is that you 
just never know when it will open and how long it will last I am 
glad it hung in there for some really good rates. 

Having made it to 1000+ QSOs several times from W5KFT over the years
I have always felt that given the right conditions it 
would be possible to make over 2000 contacts on six meters. 
One year at W5KFT we made almost 1400 contacts and that year 
we finished out the first 12 hours of the contest with 470 contacts
on six meters - by the first 12 hours of this years contest we already 
had almost 1100 contacts on the band.  I was in shock.  When I went to 
bed Saturday night I knew that 2000 qsos was in reach if the band 
conditions would just let us keep a good steady rate of contacts going. 

Sunday came and went and when the contest was over we would see that 
we only had two hours that were higher than 10 contacts/hour - and most
of them were in the 2 to 3 contact range.  As the slow hours dragged by
on Sunday it was sad watching so few contacts going into the log.

The high bands were very flat all weekend - with lower than normal
rover activity around the state. We did manage to work on Es contact on
2 meters by working DN01. Thunderstorms were the big
concern for us - in that I was afraid we would get a good Es opening
and have to shut down do to lighting - as it turns out we did have
to get off the air but not until 1 AM local time and 6M had died down 
to almost nothing by then anyway.  Anohter storm kept us off the air until
after 7 AM sunday morning but I do not think we missed too much.  So the 
storms turned out to not be a factor.  

KG5U came over from Houston for his first VHF contest. 
He was here both days and got a taste of the great conditions.
KE5C showed up on Sunday and got to grind out alot of unanswered CQs 
on 6 meters.  But I sure am glad we had help - last year it was just
WM5R and I and it was very hard to keep going when the bands are dead.
WM5R came out again and did a great job on the high bands this year.

I am always hopeful for better conditions next year or the next. 
I will keep working on the station and we will be ready.

73 and Thanks for the contacts.

The station:


 50Mhz - Kenwood TS-690  -  3cx800 amp (800 watts)
         8 element yagi at 75'
         7 element yagi at 30'
	   6 element yagi at 25' fixed west	

144Mhz - Kenwood TS-850S - DEM transverter - 3cx800 (700 watts)
         17B2 17 element yagi at 35'
         8 ele yagi at 60'
         vertical at 44'

222Mhz - Kenwood TS-850S - DEM transverter - Brick (100 watts)
         15 element yagi at 38'

432Mhz - Kenwood TS-850S - DEM transverter - Brick (100 watts)
         31 element yagi at 42'          

Alot of numbers:

      0004:                 6 per minute     (360/hr)
      0109 - 0119:         44 per 10 minutes (264/hr)
      0036 - 0136:        238 per hour

  HOUR     6       2      222    432     TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----  
   18      50      16       3       7      76      76
   19      14       7       1       3      25     101
   20      76       7       1       3      87     188
   21      83       8       0       1      92     280
   22      79       6       1       2      88     368
   23      88       5       1       3      97     465

    0     202       3       0       0     205     670
    1     215       7       1       1     224     894
    2     112       7       1       4     124    1018
    3      97       4       1       1     103    1121
    4      60       4       0       0      64    1185
    5      12       1       0       0      13    1198
    6       1       0       0       0       1    1199
    7       0       0       0       0       0    1199
    8       0       0       0       0       0    1199
    9       0       0       0       0       0    1199
   10       0       0       0       0       0    1199
   11       0       0       0       0       0    1199
   12       0       0       0       0       0    1199
   13       5       7       1       1      14    1213
   14       5       4       0       0       9    1222
   15       8       7       2       3      20    1242
   16       4       8       0       2      14    1256
   17       5       5       0       0      10    1266
   18       6       2       0       0       8    1274
   19       7       2       1       0      10    1284
   20       2       1       0       0       3    1287
   21       2       4       2       2      10    1297
   22       2       4       1       1       8    1305
   23       3       2       0       1       6    1311
    0       5       2       1       0       8    1319
    1      12       4       1       0      17    1336
    2      13       7       3       0      23    1359

  TOTAL  1168     134      21      31  

   1.         em10   73
   2.         em00   46
   3.         en91   34
   4.         el09   30
   5.         em79   25
   6.         en61   25
   7.         en52   24
   8.         en34   23
   9.         en82   22
  10.         em13   21
  11.         em69   21
  12.         el98   20
  13.         em12   19
  14.         em48   18
  15.         fm19   16
  16.         en80   16
  17.         en51   16
  18.         em73   15
  19.         en90   14
  20.         el29   12
  21.         en60   12
  22.         fm06   12
  23.         en70   12
  24.         em64   12
  25.         em86   12
  26.         dm79   12
  27.         cn87   12
  28.         em20   11
  29.         em74   11
  30.         em95   10
  31.         em84   10
  32.         en53   10
  33.         fn00   10
  34.         cn85   10

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