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Tue Mar 4 16:12:17 EST 2003

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: K5TR
Operator(s): K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 46

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   25    22
   80:   83    43
   40:  152    59
   20:  418    93
   15:  854    99
   10:  689   104
Total: 2221   420  Total Score = 2,754,360



Callsign Used : K5TR
         Operator : K5TR
         Category : SOAB HP

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   

  160SSB      25          25         75        22 
   80SSB      84          83        249        43 
   40SSB     157         152        456        59 
   20SSB     425         418       1215        93 
   15SSB     861         854       2550        99 
   10SSB     696         689       2013       104 

 Totals     2248        2221       6558       420 

    Final Score = 2754360 points.

I had fun. I did not get much sleep and as usual I learned a few things
during this contest.Conditions during the contest were quite strange 
in that the EU path seemed to be fairly poor but the JA path
was really quite good.


Callsign: K5TR
Contest: ARRL-DX-SSB
HR  160     80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
-- -----  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
 0  ---     ---      ---      ---     86/21    24/7   110/28   110/28   0.01M
 1  ---     ---      ---     19/14   105/3      ---   124/17   234/45   0.03M
 2  ---     ---      ---     35/17    39/3      ---    74/20   308/65   0.06M
 3  ---     ---     10/9     62/6      ---      ---    72/15   380/80   0.09M
 4  1/1    17/14    16/10    12/2      ---      ---    46/27   426/107  0.13M
 5 10/10    ---      ---     63/7      ---      ---    73/17   499/124  0.18M
 6  3/3    17/14     4/4     38/9      ---      ---    62/30   561/154  0.25M
 7  4/2     9/5     29/20     ---      ---      ---    42/27   603/181  0.32M
 8  3/3     5/3     10/1      ---      ---      ---    18/7    621/188  0.34M
 9  1/1     1/1     17/4      ---      ---      ---    19/6    640/194  0.36M
10  ---     6/0     12/0      ---      ---      ---    18/0    658/194  0.37M
11  ---     5/0      5/0      1/1      ---      ---    11/1    669/195  0.38M
12  ---    11/3      2/1     17/8      ---      ---    30/12   699/207  0.42M
13  ---     ---      ---      ---     30/18    50/21   80/39   779/246  0.55M
14  ---     ---      ---      ---      9/3     55/12   64/15   843/261  0.64M
15  ---     ---      ---      ---     26/5     26/7    52/12   895/273  0.71M
16  ---     ---      ---      ---     11/5     59/26   70/31   965/304  0.85M
17  ---     ---      ---      ---     80/11     1/0    81/11  1046/315  0.96M
18  ---     ---      ---      ---     52/5      9/2    61/7   1107/322  1.04M
19  ---     ---      ---      ---     31/1     16/3    47/4   1154/326  1.10M
20  ---     ---      ---      7/2     19/9      5/1    31/12  1185/338  1.17M
21  ---     ---      ---      ---     12/1      4/2    16/3   1201/341  1.19M
22  ---     ---      ---     11/3     26/0     33/1    70/4   1271/345  1.28M
23  ---     ---      ---      ---      7/0     63/0    70/0   1341/345  1.35M
 0  ---     ---      ---      ---      9/2     62/4    71/6   1412/351  1.45M
 1  ---     ---      ---      5/2     45/1     24/2    74/5   1486/356  1.55M
 2  ---     2/1      3/2     11/0     18/1      ---    34/4   1520/360  1.60M
 3  ---     2/1      1/0     22/0      ---      ---    25/1   1545/361  1.64M
 4  2/2     2/0      2/1     17/2      ---      ---    23/5   1568/366  1.68M
 5  1/0     2/0      ---     14/5      ---      ---    17/5   1585/371  1.73M
 6  ---     1/1      4/3     10/0      ---      ---    15/4   1600/375  1.76M
 7  ---     3/0      1/1     38/4      ---      ---    42/5   1642/380  1.83M
 8  ---     ---      ---      2/0      ---      ---     2/0   1644/380  1.84M
 9  ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1644/380  1.84M
10  ---     ---     29/2      ---      ---      ---    29/2   1673/382  1.88M
11  ---     ---      7/1      ---      ---      ---     7/1   1680/383  1.89M
12  ---     ---      ---      9/3     13/0      ---    22/3   1702/386  1.93M
13  ---     ---      ---      1/0     58/2      9/1    68/3   1770/389  2.03M
14  ---     ---      ---      ---     56/1     12/3    68/4   1838/393  2.13M
15  ---     ---      ---      1/1      6/2     63/1    70/4   1908/397  2.23M
16  ---     ---      ---      ---      2/0     85/3    87/3   1995/400  2.35M
17  ---     ---      ---      ---     14/1     40/1    54/2   2049/402  2.43M
18  ---     ---      ---      1/1     28/1      7/1    36/3   2085/405  2.49M
19  ---     ---      ---      3/0     39/0      3/1    45/1   2130/406  2.55M
20  ---     ---      ---      4/1     15/2      1/1    20/4   2150/410  2.60M
21  ---     ---      ---      4/2     10/1      3/1    17/4   2167/414  2.65M
22  ---     ---      ---      8/2      4/0      5/0    17/2   2184/416  2.68M
23  ---     ---      ---      3/1      4/0     30/3    37/4   2221/420  2.75M
D1 22/20   71/40   105/49   265/69   533/85   345/82           1341/345
D2  3/2    12/3     47/10   153/24   321/14   344/22            880/75
TO 25/22   83/43   152/59   418/93   854/99   689/104          2221/420

Gross QSO's=2248        Dupes=27        Net QSO's=2221

Unique callsigns worked = 1695

The best 60 minute rate was 145/hour from 0028 to 0127
The best 30 minute rate was 160/hour from 0045 to 0114
The best 10 minute rate was 168/hour from 0043 to 0052

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0     0     6     3    15     0     0     0     24
  VE calls    =      0     0     0     7     1     3     0     0     0     11
  N.A. calls  =     15    21    22    31    44    33     0     0     0    166
  S.A. calls  =      3    10     8    34    34    74     0     0     0    163
  Euro calls  =      4    24    41   110   429   338     0     0     0    946
  Afrc calls  =      2     3     3    10    10    12     0     0     0     40
  Asia calls  =      0     1     5    56    29     7     0     0     0     98
  JA calls    =      0    18    61   120   283   177     0     0     0    659
  Ocen calls  =      1     6    12    44    20    30     0     0     0    113
  Total calls =     25    83   152   418   854   689     0     0     0   2221

Multi-band QSO's
1 bands    1389
2 bands     188
3 bands      61
4 bands      28
5 bands      13
6 bands      16

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

D4B         PJ2T        8P1A        FY5KE       ZF2DQ       EA8BH       
HU1A        V47KP       9Y4TBG      KH7X        VP5B        6D2YFM      
WP3R        V26P        VP5A        TO1A        

----- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O ' s  -----
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      2     28     61    233    607    458

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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