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Sun Mar 23 17:03:06 EST 2003

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: VP9/W6PH
Operator(s): W6PH
Station: VP9/W6PH

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 41

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  169    37
   80:  527    53
   40:  470    52
   20: 1334    59
   15: 1088    58
   10: 1030    50
Total: 4618   309  Total Score = 4,280,886

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Equipment:  TS-930S + DVK-100 voice keyer. 
Antennas:  20-15-10  Classic 33 at 12 feet.
           40  Vertical.
           160-80  G5RV Dipole at 30 feet.

Operated from the QTH of VP9GE in Hamilton Parish.  After using verticals
for my last four trips, we broke out an old Mosley CL-33 and put it on a 
12 foot mast for the high bands.  What a difference in results!  Conditions were
pretty decent and the low bands were fairly quiet allowing a lot of
6 band QSOs.  The only down side was the lack of propagation to the Atlantic
coast on 10 meters.   I tried moving several NC, WV, RI, and VT stations to
10m but didn't hear a peep.  I had a great footprint to the midwest from MN east
to OH and south to AL and west to TX and back north to MN.  It was good
to work N6AA on 6 bands, the only California station to do it.  N4KG (QRP)
had a great signal on all six bands.  Still a lot of stations calling with
the last two letters of their calls.  I just ignored them unless there was no
one else calling.  My DVK couldn't be used on 20 meters because of extreme
distortion which I haven't figured out.  It worked fine on all the other bands. 
Consequently, my voice was just about gone at 00Z.  As my voice weakened, the
report became fi-ni-hunert!  I wish I had used the tribander
for CW where I only made 3459/301=3.12Meg.  I had a great time and see you
next year for the ARRLs.  No more CQWW as I have never received the

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