webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Mar 31 13:37:38 EST 2003

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: SU9NC
Operator(s): SU9NC
Station: SU9NC

Class: SO(TS)AB LP
QTH: Cairo (Maadi)
Operating Time (hrs): 36

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   18
   40:  149
   20: 1020
   15: 1623
   10: 1536
Total: 4346  Prefixes = 881  Total Score = 11,500,000



No NA on 10m; and only about 200 on other bands combined.  Knew something was
wrong when I kept receiving serial number 34 from more than a few European
stations on 10M.  Activity from SA was pretty good as were signals.  JA was ok,
but better on Sunday, still low activity.  15M was strange, no NA first day, and
Sunday worked midwest before east coast, it never did open up properly.

Most interesting QSO:  VK9NS on 40M LP while listening for USA, at first thought
it was K9NS, which would have made sense at 05 UTC.  Confirmed it was real when
working him on 15M just 10 min later.

Most frightening moment: spilling coffee on the keyboard during best 15M run-
quickly inverted and drained it, somehow it kept working, and run went on

After operating ARRL and Russian contest, and some casual operating activity, am
getting fewer skeptical callers asking for exact QTH in Cairo.  Not sure if the
answer, Maadi, helps. But QSL via OM2SA also seems to reassure them.  

Station performed well and still feel operator limited, except perhaps 40M (at
least SSB), but who doesn't want more signal on 40.

Looking forward to the CW version.

Tom  SU9NC

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