webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Oct 27 12:21:07 EST 2003

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: K5TR
Operator(s): K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 45
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   12     6        9
   80:   63    17       37
   40:  210    27       82
   20:  419    29       91
   15: 1131    33      106
   10:  925    31      104
Total: 2760   143      429  Total Score = 3,712,280




    Callsign Used : K5TR
         Operator : K5TR
         Category : Single Op All Band High Power
 Default Exchange : 59 04

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160SSB      12          12         23         9         6
   80SSB      63          63        147        37        17
   40SSB     216         210        568        82        27
   20SSB     423         419        751        91        29
   15SSB    1150        1131       2701       106        33
   10SSB     934         925       2300       104        31

 Totals     2798        2760       6490       429       143

    Final Score = 3712280 points.


160     - Inverted L
        - NE, NW, SE, SW beverages ~500' long

80      - Half wave sloping dipoles - sloped NE, NW & S from 120'.
        - NE, NW, SE, SW beverages ~500' long
40      - Cushcraft 40-2CD at 97'
        - NE, NW, SE, SW beverages ~500' long

20      - 6 element yagis at 80' and 40' fixed NE
        - 6 element yagi at 90'(rotates)
        - 6 element yagi 40' fixed NW
        - 4 element yagi 60' fixed SE

15      - 4 element yagi at 70' (rotates)
        - 3 element yagi at 35' fixed SE

10      - 6 element yagi at 60' (rotates)
        - 6 element yagi at 30' fixed NE
        - 4 element yagi at 40' fixed SE


                   160    80    40    20    15    10   ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --   ---
  USA calls   =      2     3     2   140   189   118   454
  VE calls    =      1    13    20    51    87    79   251
  N.A. calls  =      6    20    36    35    38    45   180
  S.A. calls  =      3    10    25    40    37   104   219
  Euro calls  =      0     8    55    95   416   397   971
  Afrc calls  =      0     2     8    14    12    12    48
  Asia calls  =      0     0     2     8    12    12    34
  JA calls    =      0     3    49     4   307   126   489
  Ocen calls  =      0     4    13    32    33    32   114

  Total calls =     12    63   210   419  1131   925  2760


HR  160    80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
-- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
 0  ---    ---      ---      ---     59/36    37/26   96/62    96/62   0.02M
 1  ---    ---      ---     25/33    65/7      4/0    94/40   190/102  0.05M
 2  ---    2/2     12/14    16/3     43/6      ---    73/25   263/127  0.09M
 3  3/6    7/7      ---     66/16     ---      ---    76/29   339/156  0.12M
 4  ---    1/2     23/16    44/10     ---      ---    68/28   407/184  0.17M
 5  ---    7/8      9/12    18/1      ---      ---    34/21   441/205  0.20M
 6  3/4   17/13     ---     25/8      ---      ---    45/25   486/230  0.24M
 7  ---    7/4     22/15    14/2      ---      ---    43/21   529/251  0.29M
 8  1/2    2/2      5/3     21/7      ---      ---    29/14   558/265  0.33M
 9  1/1    ---     10/3      8/5      ---      ---    19/9    577/274  0.35M
10  ---    1/0     18/3      8/2      ---      ---    27/5    604/279  0.38M
11  ---    2/2     10/2     20/8      ---      ---    32/12   636/291  0.42M
12  ---    1/2      3/1     11/0     20/12     ---    35/15   671/306  0.47M
13  ---    ---      ---      ---    132/23     4/5   136/28   807/334  0.63M
14  ---    ---      ---      ---     27/2    120/28  147/30   954/364  0.84M
15  ---    ---      ---      ---      2/0    131/10  133/10  1087/374  0.99M
16  ---    ---      ---      ---      7/1    111/7   118/8   1205/382  1.11M
17  ---    ---      ---      ---     63/3     42/15  105/18  1310/400  1.26M
18  ---    ---      ---      ---     27/3     56/11   83/14  1393/414  1.38M
19  ---    ---      ---      ---     48/2     30/7    78/9   1471/423  1.47M
20  ---    ---      ---      1/1     35/4     12/0    48/5   1519/428  1.53M
21  ---    ---      ---      3/0     87/1      6/2    96/3   1615/431  1.63M
22  ---    ---      ---      ---     34/9     61/1    95/10  1710/441  1.78M
23  ---    ---      ---      6/5     12/3     67/4    85/12  1795/453  1.94M
 0  ---    ---      ---      8/2     52/1     10/4    70/7   1865/460  2.05M
 1  ---    ---      5/3      ---     74/2      2/1    81/6   1946/466  2.19M
 2  ---    ---      3/1     22/4     21/0      ---    46/5   1992/471  2.26M
 3  ---    ---      7/2     12/1      3/1      1/1    23/5   2015/476  2.30M
 4  1/1    2/3     10/5     15/1      ---      ---    28/10  2043/486  2.37M
 5  1/1    2/2     10/6      7/2      ---      ---    20/11  2063/497  2.45M
 6  2/0    8/5      3/2      ---      ---      ---    13/7   2076/504  2.50M
 7  ---    ---     11/4      5/0      ---      ---    16/4   2092/508  2.54M
 8  ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2092/508  2.54M
 9  ---    ---      6/2      ---      ---      ---     6/2   2098/510  2.56M
10  ---    ---     13/9      ---      ---      ---    13/9   2111/519  2.62M
11  ---    ---     18/1      1/1      ---      ---    19/2   2130/521  2.66M
12  ---    2/0      9/4      3/1      ---      ---    14/5   2144/526  2.70M
13  ---    2/2      ---     17/3     10/2      8/0    37/7   2181/533  2.78M
14  ---    ---      ---      ---     54/4     46/3   100/7   2281/540  2.95M
15  ---    ---      ---      ---    102/6      4/1   106/7   2387/547  3.16M
16  ---    ---      ---      ---     27/2     53/1    80/3   2467/550  3.27M
17  ---    ---      1/0      5/2      4/2     34/3    44/7   2511/557  3.37M
18  ---    ---      ---      ---      ---     19/2    19/2   2530/559  3.40M
19  ---    ---      ---      ---      3/0      6/1     9/1   2539/560  3.41M
20  ---    ---      ---     11/1     27/2      2/0    40/3   2579/563  3.46M
21  ---    ---      ---     17/0     40/3      6/0    63/3   2642/566  3.53M
22  ---    ---      ---     10/1     33/2      1/0    44/3   2686/569  3.60M
23  ---    ---      2/1      ---     20/0     52/2    74/3   2760/572  3.71M
D1 8/13  47/42   112/69   286/101  661/112  681/116          1795/453
D2 4/2   16/12    98/40   133/19   470/27   244/19            965/119
T 12/15  63/54   210/109  419/120 1131/139  925/135          2760/572

Gross QSO's=2798        Dupes=38        Net QSO's=2760

Unique callsigns worked = 2260

The best 60 minute rate was 157/hour from 1313 to 1412
The best 30 minute rate was 166/hour from 1350 to 1419
The best 10 minute rate was 192/hour from 1517 to 1526

------------ M u l t i p l i e r   S u m m a r y ------------
Mult     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
14         0      7     22     53    205    242    529   18.9
25         0      3     49      4    309    128    493   17.6
15         0      1     27     33    165    143    369   13.2
04         2      8     12     91    123     64    300   10.7
05         1      4      3     87     88    100    283   10.1
08         4     13     24     22     19     25    107    3.8
03         0      2      3     11     62     28    106    3.8
11         0      0      6     13     14     41     74    2.6
13         0      0      2     11      9     41     63    2.3
09         2      8     13     13     10     12     58    2.1
07         2      6      6      8      7     15     44    1.6
16         0      0      2      7     34      0     43    1.5
20         0      0      4      1     12     17     34    1.2
30         0      0      3     16      5      9     33    1.2
31         0      1      3      3     13      7     27    1.0
33         0      1      6      6      6      7     26    0.9
06         0      1      5      4      7      2     19    0.7
27         0      0      2      2      6      7     17    0.6
02         0      2      4      3      2      4     15    0.5
10         1      2      3      2      3      4     15    0.5
32         0      0      1      4      2      7     14    0.5
28         0      2      1      1      6      3     13    0.5
29         0      1      3      6      2      0     12    0.4
01         0      0      1      0      6      2      9    0.3
35         0      1      2      3      1      2      9    0.3
38         0      0      0      6      2      1      9    0.3
12         0      0      1      1      1      6      9    0.3
19         0      0      0      1      5      2      8    0.3
24         0      0      2      0      3      1      6    0.2
18         0      0      0      4      0      0      4    0.1
21         0      0      0      0      1      2      3    0.1
17         0      0      0      3      0      0      3    0.1
36         0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.1
37         0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.1
40         0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
39         0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
Total     12     63    210    419   1131    925   2760

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