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Mon Oct 27 15:36:27 EST 2003
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: 9Y4ZC
Operator(s): DL6FBL
Station: 9Y4ZC
Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Tobago Island SA-009
Operating Time (hrs): 47
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 52 5 17
80: 257 17 52
40: 1042 25 101
20: 2017 30 111
15: 1732 31 110
10: 3059 29 113
Total: 8159 137 504 Total Score = 15,389,769
Club: Bavarian Contest Club
Hi all,
thanks for the all the QSOs. These were two very different days.
I got a good start on Day 1, and was almost in accordance with my
secret plan (5,630 QSOs planned, 5,623 QSOs made ;-), but I couldn't
get anything going on Day 2. As you see on the rate sheet below,
there is only one hour with 200+ QSOs, but many with under 100...
I could hear European and Stateside stations running each other,
but both of them were quite weak here. It almost sounded as if
the bands were not really open, while there was a good "skip"
between EU and W/VE...
Sunday afternoon I had to take a one-hour break, because I was
very tired due to the low rates. I took a great shower, and found
some relief from all the mosquito bites. I must have been a very
attractive target to them, there are itches all over the body,
but the (world?) record are two areas on my belly about the size
of a palm - one with 80, and one with 110 itches (!) respectively...
The Radio Blackout on Sunday evening wiped out 20m and 15m com-
pletely (only some local Caribbean stations [PJ2T, V26DX] heard).
10 meters was very noisy at that time, but produced at least a
slow, but constant flow of very weak US stations - mostly W9's
and VE3's interestingly, later spread out to W4 and W2's, before
other weak stations from W6 through W1 came through again.
At that time I checked 20m and 15m again, and found both bands
crowded with stations again...
The strange propagation on Day 2 also interfered with my multiplier
strategy. I missed a good number of "easy" European multipliers,
because the bands seemed not open. Plus on Day 1 the low bands
160m and 80m were almost useless. You can see from the table below,
that I just worked 20 EU's on 80 meters, which should normally
have been about the number on 160... I tried 80/160m again in the
last half hour of the contest, and found at least a few more
multipliers. Low point was that I called a number of very strong
stations on 80m, but was not even noticed once. Callsigns that
I can remember are HG6N, YU7AV and IH9P, who I each called for at
least 2-3 minutes without being heard...
But the bottom line is: It was worth it! The pileups on Day 1
make it easier to overcome the strange and exhausting Day 2...
It's just a pity that my secret plan (a total of 10,100 QSOs)
just worked on Day 1... ;-)
73 Ben
P.S.: I don't know yet what to do in CW. Maybe just operate from home...
P.P.S.: Check out Andy's rental QTH on http://www.df3cb.com/tobago
160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total %
NA 45 208 457 1370 1284 1533 4897 60.0
AS 0 0 18 53 134 18 223 2.7
SA 7 19 30 46 42 87 231 2.8
OC 0 1 5 15 5 10 36 0.4
EU 0 20 521 511 245 1383 2680 32.8
AF 0 9 11 22 22 28 92 1.1
QSO/ZN+DX by hour and band
Hour 160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total Cumm
D1-0000Z --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- 378/20 --+-- 378/20 378/20
D1-0100Z - - - 338/37 9/0 - 347/37 725/57
D1-0200Z - - - 351/18 - - 351/18 1076/75
D1-0300Z - - - 313/21 - - 313/21 1389/96
D1-0400Z 2/4 8/12 69/33 114/2 - - 193/51 1582/147
D1-0500Z - - 253/23 - - - 253/23 1835/170
D1-0600Z 5/6 60/21 108/15 - - - 173/42 2008/212
D1-0700Z 7/5 72/10 37/3 - - - 116/18 2124/230
D1-0800Z 4/3 1/1 111/16 --+-- --+-- --+-- 116/20 2240/250
D1-0900Z - 48/3 11/1 17/7 5/8 - 81/19 2321/269
D1-1000Z - - - 1/1 92/39 89/32 182/72 2503/341
D1-1100Z - - - - - 259/35 259/35 2762/376
D1-1200Z - - - - 16/2 170/4 186/6 2948/382
D1-1300Z - - - 1/1 3/3 223/12 227/16 3175/398
D1-1400Z - 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 207/9 211/13 3386/411
D1-1500Z - - - - - 232/4 232/4 3618/415
D1-1600Z --+-- --+-- --+-- 1/2 26/6 242/3 269/11 3887/426
D1-1700Z - - - 2/1 3/1 276/4 281/6 4168/432
D1-1800Z - - - - 1/0 324/7 325/7 4493/439
D1-1900Z - - - - 220/8 53/0 273/8 4766/447
D1-2000Z - - - 32/8 25/2 153/3 210/13 4976/460
D1-2100Z - - - 160/6 82/0 - 242/6 5218/466
D1-2200Z - - - 56/6 126/0 - 182/6 5400/472
D1-2300Z - - - 3/0 220/5 - 223/5 5623/477
D2-0000Z --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- 205/8 --+-- 205/8 5828/485
D2-0100Z - - 85/12 2/2 52/2 - 139/16 5967/501
D2-0200Z 18/2 - 34/2 50/1 - - 102/5 6069/506
D2-0300Z - 4/0 - 140/6 - - 144/6 6213/512
D2-0400Z - 6/6 92/4 - - - 98/10 6311/522
D2-0500Z - 2/1 134/8 - - - 136/9 6447/531
D2-0600Z 7/2 12/8 5/1 12/0 - - 36/11 6483/542
D2-0700Z - 1/0 75/3 8/3 - - 84/6 6567/548
D2-0800Z --+-- 37/2 7/3 --+-- --+-- --+-- 44/5 6611/553
D2-0900Z - - 20/1 4/2 6/4 3/3 33/10 6644/563
D2-1000Z - - - - 16/13 32/4 48/17 6692/580
D2-1100Z - - - 1/1 2/4 88/5 91/10 6783/590
D2-1200Z - - - 1/1 3/1 99/1 103/3 6886/593
D2-1300Z - - - - 7/2 73/2 80/4 6966/597
D2-1400Z - - - - - 96/1 96/1 7062/598
D2-1500Z - - - 1/0 - - 1/0 7063/598
D2-1600Z --+-- --+-- --+-- 2/2 18/6 77/6 97/14 7160/612
D2-1700Z - - - - 1/1 135/0 136/1 7296/613
D2-1800Z - - - 1/1 2/0 93/1 96/2 7392/615
D2-1900Z - - - - 79/2 117/0 196/2 7588/617
D2-2000Z - - - 137/3 7/0 1/1 145/4 7733/621
D2-2100Z - - - 17/2 82/2 11/5 110/9 7843/630
D2-2200Z - - - 146/3 45/0 6/1 197/4 8040/634
D2-2300Z 9/0 5/4 - 105/2 - - 119/6 8159/640
Total: 52/22 257/69 1042/1262017/1401732/1403059/143
160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total
3V 1 1 1 1 4
3X 1 1 2 4
4L 1 1
4U1I 1 1
4X 4 1 4 9
5B 3 2 2 2 9
5N 1 1 2
5U 1 1
5Z 1 1
6Y 1 1 2 1 2 7
8P 1 1 2 1 1 1 7
8R 1 1 1 3
9A 8 11 6 11 36
9H 1 1 1 3 6
9J 2 2
9L 1 1 1 3
9M2 1 1
9V 2 1 1 4
9Y 1 1 1 2 1 6
A4 1 1 2
A6 1 1 1 1 4
C5 1 1 1 1 1 5
C6 1 1
CE 2 1 2 3 8
CM 2 4 1 3 6 16
CN 1 1 2
CT 2 12 3 13 30
CT3 3 2 3 2 2 12
CX 1 2 3 2 8
D2 1 1 2
D4 2 1 2 2 1 8
DL 2 80 94 54 375 605
EA 1 16 41 16 68 142
EA6 1 2 3
EA8 2 4 7 7 5 25
EA9 1 1
EI 1 2 4 2 9 18
ER 1 2 3
ES 3 2 1 5 11
EU 3 1 1 8 13
EX 2 1 2 1 6
F 2 29 29 12 42 114
FM 1 1 1 1 4
FY 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
G 3 18 47 19 155 242
GD 1 1 1 1 2 6
GI 4 1 2 7
GJ 1 1
GM 10 8 5 14 37
GU 1 1 2
GW 1 4 5 2 8 20
HA 11 7 6 19 43
HB 6 4 1 7 18
HB0 1 1 1 1 4
HC 1 2 3
HC8 1 1 1 1 4
HI 1 1 1 3
HK 1 1 2 2 6
HK0/a 1 1
HL 1 4 5
HP 1 1 1 3 2 3 11
HR 1 2 3
I 50 52 21 100 223
IG9 1 1 1 1 1 5
IS 1 2 1 1 5
IT9 4 7 4 11 26
JA 4 16 116 1 137
JW 1 1 2
JW/b 1 1
K 28 163 381 1231 1146 1395 4344
KH0 1 1
KH2 1 1 1 3
KH6 3 4 2 5 14
KL 1 1 1 3
KP2 3 2 1 2 1 1 10
KP4 3 5 1 5 1 2 17
LA 4 8 2 9 23
LU 1 2 11 14 25 53
LX 2 1 1 4
LY 7 5 2 17 31
LZ 6 4 2 8 20
OA 1 1 1 1 1 5
OE 1 10 9 3 13 36
OH 11 10 6 29 56
OH0 1 2 1 4
OK 35 17 8 48 108
OM 2 6 5 2 2 17
ON 1 12 16 11 40 80
OZ 1 5 1 13 20
P4 1 1 1 1 1 5
PA 9 8 10 48 75
PJ2 1 2 1 2 2 1 9
PJ7 1 1 1 1 1 5
PY 2 10 19 9 39 79
PY0F 1 1 1 1 4
PZ 1 2 1 1 1 1 7
S5 1 10 12 6 23 52
SM 3 9 2 23 37
SP 33 19 7 88 147
SU 1 1 2
SV 4 3 2 9 18
SV5 1 1
SV9 1 1 1 3
T9 1 1 1 2 5
TA 2 1 1 4
TA1 1 1
TF 1 1 2
TI 1 3 1 2 3 2 12
TU 1 1 1 3
UA 47 19 4 92 162
UA2 1 1 1 1 1 5
UA9 2 20 4 5 31
UN 4 3 2 1 10
UR 1 38 3 5 30 77
V2 2 2 2 2 1 1 10
V3 1 1 1 1 2 6
V4 2 2 2 1 7
VE 16 46 102 106 100 370
VK 1 6 7
VP2E 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
VP5 1 3 4 3 3 1 15
VP9 1 1 2 1 2 7
VQ9 1 1
XE 2 4 8 7 7 28
YB 2 1 5 8
YL 5 3 3 12 23
YO 7 2 6 15
YS 1 1
YU 1 7 14 2 7 31
YV 3 4 5 5 2 4 23
Z3 1 1 1 3
ZA 1 1 1 1 4
ZB 1 1
ZF 1 1 1 3
ZK1/s 1 1
ZL 1 1 2
ZP 2 2
ZS 2 2 5 9
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