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Mon Sep 29 08:51:28 EDT 2003

                    CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: VE1OP
Operator(s): VE1OP
Station: VE1OP

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 13

 Band  QSOs  Pts   State/Prov  DX   Zones
   80:    1     1        1       1     1
   40:  100   255       21      29     9
   20:  276   696       37      46    14
   15:  404  1083       38      54    14
   10:  126   334       20      41    15
Total:  907  2369      117     171    53  Total Score = 807,829



AMAZING condx is the only word I can think of to describe this weekend...EU and
UA land just boomed in here everywhere all the time...Couldn't believe my
ears...This was by far the most fun of all the RTTY contests I've been in...

Absolutely NO planning for this one as I knew a month ago that work and other
committments would take up most of the weekend...Only planned to get on and
chase a few goodies, but I quickly changed that plan when the pileups just never
went away...Rate meter was hitting 150 a few times, and averaged 69 over the 13
hours I was able to operate...It is dissappointing that I couldn't get on more,
could've had a decent score...Only made it to 80 metres for 1 QSO, and spent
very little time on 40...Too much fun running on 15 to S&P looking for mults, so
they are way down...Next year there will be a more serious effort from here...

Thanks to 5N0NHD for continuing to call in an afternoon pileup...I saw the call
a couple times but figured it got mangled in the mess...It then hit me who it
was...Glad I didn't miss that one...

Equipment: 1 Mark V, amp at 400-500 watts, 4 element yagi and a couple scattered
dipoles...Used Writelog/MMTTY as usual, worked great except for the nagging and
persistent problem with MMTTY crashing periodically...I'm getting more convinced
that the soundcard is the culprit, as when it does crash, I still transmit OK,
but the MMTTY scope locks...Simply closing Writelog and immediately re-opening
it always cures the problem...I'm assuming that the soundcard just needs to be
re- initialized...I've gotten used to it and can get it working again usually
without missing a QSO or losing my frequency...

Speaking of losing frequencies, to the DL station that seemed to enjoy trying to
steal my frequency Sunday afternoon, I was copying you 15 over 9, so I know you
could hear me...Every other EU station could hear me, so I assume you could
too...Your claim of being there for an hour did not fly as I was on that
particular freq for 2 1/2 hours...Anyway...

One suggestion to some ops...Please just give your callsign when answering a
CQ...Coming back with your call AND report before you are acknowledged just
messes up everything for the station running...I realize there are lots of new
RTTY'ers (and that is great), so maybe it's merely a "newbie" problem...

It was fun, thanks for all the calls, and see you in the next one...Lets hope
propagation stays up for the Winter...

73, Scott VE1OP

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