webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Sep 30 10:56:31 EDT 2003

                    CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: S57IIO
Operator(s): S57IIO
Station: S57IIO

Class: SOSB/15 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Pts   State/Prov  DX  Zones
   15:  987  2579      55      92    32
Total:  987  2579      55      92    32  Total Score = 461,641

Club: Slovenia Contest Club


Claimed score comparison 2002/2003

Score:	      548856/461641	Continent breakdown (Stn wkd / %) <2002/2003>
QSOs:		1111/987	    SA         34(3.1)	  29(3.0)
Points:		2904/2579	    OC         21(1.9)	  10(1.0)
Pts/Q:		2.61/2.61	    EU        422(38.0)	 311(32.2)
Zones:		  36/32		    AS        218(19.6)	 225(23.3)
CTYs:		  98/92		    AF          8(0.7)	   6(0.6)
States:		  55/55		    NA        408(36.7)	 385(39.9)

Started at same hour as last year (03z), but there was plenty of time
to read some magazines until sunrise. Last year had more than 40 Qs, mostly
with SA, this year 2, with local big guns. I was lucky to find KH7X
calling, while the antenna was being turned to catch a EA8 station, on long
the peak signal was s9+5, well didn't get the EA8, but the double mult was
in the nest. I was waiting to catch some nice JA run in the morning, but it 
was awful. Best signals were JAs, and they weren't so loud, EU was terrible 
to listen and hard to copy. The antenna was turned several times, to catch 
some backscatter or something. This contest was the most hard one for my 
rotator. Later on, the band developed into a nicer one. Particulary west 
coast was loud, and had really fun listening to W6/7s. Time to time I checked 
the states, for missing ones, and there were still some. Waited untill really 
late, almost at band closing to work SC an WY. The funny thing is that at the 
begining of sunday USA time, worked three SC in a row in a couple of minutes. 
Luck... Despite this didn't manage to work NV and DE. So states mults were same

as last year. Sunday morning was interesting and was concentrating to work 
more JAs, first day number stopped at 70. I was CQing in that direction until
1240z, and managed to work 80 more. Even some other mults showed up, so
it was worth it. While CQing on 076 for some time, a signal 120hz away came 
up, and a CQ appeard on my screen. "Oh no, another QRMer...", was the first 
thing in my mind. Well, not really the next seconds revealed that this 
was VK9NS... Worked him, and with a big smile went searching for a new clear 
spot. Later was almost routine, just the big number of west coast on the
first day changed to almost only east... Well, not really routine. While
beating the F2 key, I fell asleep for few seconds and woke up, trying to
what was happening, normally i was still pounching the key, and some stations
were answering, worked a 5B4/G station, but looking back in the buffers saw
also VE6WQ calling. Luckily, later on he called again. And I was not
Few more houndred CQs and the band was silent...

See you next time !

Kristjan, S57IIO

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