[3830] NAQP SSB VE3NE Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 22 10:45:47 EDT 2004

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: VE3NE
Operator(s): VE3NE
Station: VE3NE

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Toronto
Operating Time (hrs): 6,5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   31    20
   80:   65    29
   40:   61    24
   20:  162    40
   15:   19    14
   10:    6     5
Total:  344   132  Total Score = 45,408

Club: Contest Club Ontario




Very interesting and fun condx. In this type of condition you can not just
sit in your chair pick a frequency and let the stations come to you. You need
a lot of band changes, move stations, check other bands often, change antennas
often too to suit momentary condx, find the best antenna direction for back
scatter or skew path, S & P for mults and so many other things. All this in
10 hours on 6 bands makes you quite busy and if I add SO2R then it really
becomes a fast contest. I never win or get close to the top scores in NAQP but I
feel what would I face if I ever would attempt to do that. Congrats to those who
squeezed out so much points from this condx and thanks to all who
participated and made this possible.
This time I had very little trouble with my name...hi 
Had a good laugh when met R2D2.

73  es  DX

Lali, VE3NE

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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