webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Aug 24 03:55:43 EDT 2004

                    SARTG WW RTTY Contest

Call: LZ9R
Operator(s): LZ3YY
Station: LZ3YY

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Aitos
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs  Pts   Mults
   80:   63   620    27
   40:  107  1105    41
   20:  375  4075    77
   15:  129  1475    53
   10:    4    60     2
Total:  678  7335   200  Total Score = 1,467,000



TS850SAT 3el.Cushcraft A3s ; 1/2 slopers 80/40 ; PA3HBB Vert.80/40

It seems that new linear loaded vertical PA3HBB design doesn't
work between houses in the city lot.This antenna was built specially
for IOTA test and work extremelly well on the island.
Half slopers are always better in receiving and transmitting,but
vertical will work in new contest QTH where lot of free space is

Three Eight hours contest periods are much appreciated with enough
time for relaxing.Many thanks to SARTG for original contest.
Next time will be back for sure.

Condx not good and 20 was the band.Try to make more multipliers
but couldn't reach the planned 1.5M points :(.
4Z8EE was like beacon on 10 and only solid signal station there.
Was happy to work EM1HO on 15 and many other DX stns.
Thanks to all for QSO's , 73 CU in WAE RTTY
SCC RTTY will missed me due to new rules :((  (now it is
contest for high tech guys).


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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