[3830] NAQP SSB NA1QP(W1CTN) Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Wed Aug 25 21:03:49 EDT 2004

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: NA1QP
Operator(s): W1CTN
Station: NA1QP

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    3     2
   80:   21    16
   40:   82    28
   20:  300    46
   15:    0     0
   10:    0     0
Total:  406    92  Total Score = 37,352

Club: Tennessee Contest Group




Just a very casual effort this year due to summertime obligations. I always
enjoy this contest and like to take the NA1QP callsign out for a whirl around
the bands.

QRN was just murder for me up on all bands as a thunderstorm front was in my
area for the entire contest. The QRN on 20 meters rivaled 160 meters. I had to
shut down repeatedly due to nearby lighting strikes. 

I did not hear any activity on 15 and 10 meters, 20 was the moneymaker band. I
was running on 20 meters for most of the contest, but the QRN made receiving a
nightmare and it ate up quite a few stations. I just could not copy them. 

I plan to install a few beverages to enhance my receiving ability, not just on
the low bands but also to help of the high bands. 

My station is as follows:

FT1000 mp mkV @ 100 watts
160 - inverted L w/35 radials
80 - dipole @ 40'
40 - dipole @ 40'
20-10 T10 log periodic @ 43'

Ant Farm projects:     

Receive: 2 290 ft beverages for 160/80/40
         2 145 ft beverages for  30/20 and above

Transmit: 160 m cage inverted L to gain bandwidth (40 kc 2:1 now)
       2 - 80 m 2 el phased inverted L arrays - 1 on West Coast and
           the other on Europe 
       2 - 40 m 2 el phased vertical arrays - 1 on West Coast and               
           the other on Europe 
Anyone using 80 or 40 meters phased arrays or a cage on 160 meters?  I would
like to hear your comments.

Conditions, good or bad, it's always good to be on the radio!

73 from Radio Ansonia
Dave NA1QP (a.k.a. W1CTN)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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