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Wed Dec 1 20:26:54 EST 2004

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: V26K
Operator(s): AA3B
Station: V26B

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Antigua
Operating Time (hrs): 42

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   95     7       13
   80:  483    12       59
   40: 1280    29       94
   20:  816    30       81
   15: 1622    30       90
   10: 1173    27       90
Total: 5469   135      427  Total Score = 7,668,490

Club: Frankford Radio Club


This was my sixth CQ WW CW SOAB LP effort from V2 and as always, it was a

My operating strategy involves trying to strike the right balance between
running three point QSOs (primarily Europe), hunting for multipliers and running
two point QSOs.  Prior to each contest, I develop a target for how much time I
plan to spend in each scenario.  I generally found that conditions to Europe
were not as good this year as in years past, and I ended up spending about twice
the time I had planned running North America.  This obviously had an adverse
impact on my QSO point total, which was down by 10.5% from last year.

The following is summary my productivity in each of these scenarios:

                         QSOs/    Points/   Mults/  Points/
     Scenario              Hr       QSO       Hr      Hr       Hrs

     Running 3 Pointers  133.5     2.67     12.8     175653   27.9
     Hunting              22.7     2.49     23.6     322217    4.6
     Running 2 Pointers  168.8     2.08      9.8     133530    9.7
     Overall             129.5     2.49     13.3     181969   42.2

My rates this year were more erratic then in years past.  I struggled during the
first four hours of the contest, where I found conditions on 40M to be poor.  I
gave up on 40M and went to 20M at 0230Z to work NA in order to try and bolster
rates.  When I first went to 80M at 0430Z, I encountered an intermittent HI-SWR
problem on the 3 element wire beam.  I eventually determined that the problem
was caused by a bad coax segment.  Fortunately, the failed coax was easy to
isolate and replace and I had a spare segment.  I only lost about 30 minutes
total solving this problem.  I took my first break at around 0830Z feeling quite
frustrated about my progress to that point.

Things were much better when I got back on at around 1020Z.  Sunrise conditions
to JA were the best I have ever heard and I was quite pleased to see 10M open. 
Saturday daylight hours were very productive with high rates including six
consecutive hours at 170+.  The rates were such that I was able to catch up and
surpass my cumulative QSO target and I was feeling much better.  However, things
took a turn for the worse at around 22Z when I started to experience broadband
noise bursts.  These were 1 to 2 second bursts that occurred every 10 to 15
seconds, wiping out all the bands.  I suspect that these bursts came from a
nearby high power BC station.  All I could do was tough it out; it was very much
like operating through a local lightning storm.

I took a break at 0230Z, somewhat fatigued from dealing with the noise bursts. 
Fortunately, the noise was gone when I got back on at 0420Z, enabling some
exciting low band runs.

Sunday daylight hours were also quite productive.  I thought 10M was not quite
as good on Sunday, but 15M was fantastic.  I was also pleased to achieve my
first 200+ hour at 20Z on Sunday.

Another observation is that 20M was not productive for me.  I was never able to
sustain a 3 point run for more than 30 minutes and my multiplier count on 20M
was a real disappointment.

My thanks to N3OC and the balance of the V26B crew, as well as WT3Q and V21N for
their help again this year.  I plan to return to Antigua for CQWW CW 2005.

QSL to AA3B.

73 Bud V26K / AA3B 

Hr  160M    80M     40M     20M     15M     10M   Total    Cumm   Off

00  -+-     -+-   109/39    2/3     -+-     -+-   111/42   111/42  
01   -       -    127/15     -       -       -    127/15   238/57  
02   -       -     43/7    87/4      -       -    130/11   368/68  
03   -       -     85/5    42/2      -       -    127/7    495/75  
04   -     63/20   26/1      -       -       -     89/21   584/96  
05 43/12   44/10    7/3      -       -       -     94/25   678/121 
06   -     21/8    97/3      -       -       -    118/11   796/132 
07 28/0    38/2    43/5      -       -       -    109/7    905/139 
08  -+-    73/6    12/2     -+-     -+-     -+-    85/8    990/147  13
09   -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    990/147  60
10   -       -     74/3      -       -       -     74/3   1064/150  23
11   -       -     38/4      -    124/44    1/2   163/50  1227/200 
12   -       -       -       -      9/0   170/47  179/47  1406/247 
13   -       -       -       -       -    196/20  196/20  1602/267 
14   -       -       -       -       -    170/5   170/5   1772/272 
15   -       -       -       -     73/7   105/5   178/12  1950/284 
16  -+-     -+-     -+-     -+-   199/12    -+-   199/12  2149/296 
17   -       -       -       -    197/7      -    197/7   2346/303 
18   -      1/0     1/0    62/31   40/5    28/8   132/44  2478/347 
19   -       -       -       -      1/2   140/8   141/10  2619/357 
20   -       -       -    114/14    1/0     3/5   118/19  2737/376 
21   -       -       -    141/7     6/1     3/4   150/12  2887/388 
22   -       -       -      3/4    84/10     -     87/14  2974/402 
23   -      3/3    54/7     5/7      -       -     62/17  3036/419 
00  -+-     -+-   124/3     -+-     -+-     -+-   124/3   3160/422 
01  1/2     7/3    36/1     5/0     1/0      -     50/6   3210/428 
02   -     53/7      -       -       -       -     53/7   3263/435  30
03   -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0   3263/435  60
04   -     60/4      -       -       -       -     60/4   3323/439  22
05   -     99/5      -       -       -       -     99/5   3422/444 
06  2/1    14/3    70/3     1/2      -       -     87/9   3509/453 
07  1/0     6/0    94/4     1/0      -       -    102/4   3611/457 
08 19/4     -+-     3/0     -+-     -+-     -+-    22/4   3633/461  40
09   -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0   3633/461  60
10   -      1/0     8/8     1/1      -       -     10/9   3643/470  39
11   -       -       -      9/4    69/3    57/1   135/8   3778/478 
12   -       -       -       -     44/3    89/5   133/8   3911/486 
13   -       -       -       -    156/6      -    156/6   4067/492 
14   -       -       -      1/1   125/6    11/1   137/8   4204/500 
15   -       -       -       -    146/4    18/1   164/5   4368/505 
16  -+-     -+-     -+-    52/17    1/1    10/1    63/19  4431/524 
17  1/1      -      1/0    24/2     8/1    74/0   108/4   4539/528 
18   -       -       -     87/2      -     84/2   171/4   4710/532 
19   -       -       -     50/4   129/4      -    179/8   4889/540 
20   -       -       -       -    208/2      -    208/2   5097/542 
21   -       -       -    120/6     1/2    14/2   135/10  5232/552 
22   -       -    103/7     9/0      -       -    112/7   5344/559 
23   -       -    125/3      -       -       -    125/3   5469/562 

Ttl: 95/20 483/71 1280/123 816/111 1622/120 1173/117

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