[3830] ARRL 160 KC1XX M/S HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Dec 5 16:32:06 EST 2004

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: KC1XX
Operator(s): K1GQ,W1FV,WA1Z,KM3T
Station: KC1XX

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 37.5

Total:  QSOs = 1255  Sections = 78  Countries = 41  Total Score = 331,534

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Condx fair to poor here in New England this time around.  It seems the further
north you were, the worse it was.  But we had a good time anyway...Topband is
always great fun, even with crappy propagation!  We never got any European runs
to speak of, which pretty much eliminates any chance of a competing score.

It was fun, though, hearing the guys who are normally locked out of the 160m Eu
openings actually do very well into Europe.  The further south and west guys
were doing very well overall...at least judging by packets spots!

Good stateside activity, in general...but we need more.  All the sections except
NT were on and heard (NL7Z heard Saturday morning but only a whisper and partial
company in NH).

Thanks for all the contacts...see you in the CQ 160 CW!

    ARRL 160 METER CONTEST -- 2004

      Call:      KC1XX
      Category:  Multi Single
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      Mono 160
      Mode:      CW 
      Section:   NH


     Totals   1255    2786     2.22         78         41    =   331,534
                                    (Missed AK and NT)

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: K1GQ,W1FV,WA1Z,KM3T

Equipment Description:

(2) Ten-Tec Orion transceivers (interlocked w/ Acom Commutator box))
(1) Ameritron AL-1200 amp (interlocked between Orions)
(1) Icom IC-781 (used receive only w/ Beverages)

Receive antennas (available at both Orion transceivers):
Four two-wire beverages, 168 meters long, NE/SW, E/W, SE/NW, S/N
Vertical area (see transmit antenna below)

Transmit Antenna: Inline array of three verticals (endfire gain NE and SW, 
                   and broadside gain SE/NW) - W1FV design
W1FV writeup: http://www.kc1xx.com/antennas/160_array.pdf

More station details at: http://www.kc1xx.com

Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


HOUR      160   HR TOT  CUM TOT  

  22   107/40   107/40   107/40
  23    66/12    66/12   173/52
   0    94/9     94/9    267/61
   1    91/4     91/4    358/65
   2    98/7     98/7    456/72
   3    77/7     77/7    533/79
   4    46/4     46/4    579/83
   5    26/2     26/2    605/85
   6    40/7     40/7    645/92
   7    29/2     29/2    674/94
   8    33/3     33/3    707/97
   9    13/0     13/0    720/97
  10    16/0     16/0    736/97
  11    23/0     23/0    759/97
  12    13/0     13/0    772/97
  13    12/1     12/1    784/98
  14     4/0      4/0    788/98
  15      .        .     788/98
  16      .        .     788/98
  17      .        .     788/98
  18      .        .     788/98
  19    12/0     12/0    800/98
  20    26/1     26/1    826/99
  21    37/5     37/5   863/104
  22    35/4     35/4   898/108
  23    39/1     39/1   937/109
   0    37/3     37/3   974/112
   1    28/1     28/1  1002/113
   2    44/3     44/3  1046/116
   3    42/0     42/0  1088/116
   4    23/1     23/1  1111/117
   5    21/0     21/0  1132/117
   6    14/1     14/1  1146/118
   7    14/1     14/1  1160/119
   8     9/0      9/0  1169/119
   9    10/0     10/0  1179/119
  10    13/0     13/0  1192/119
  11    19/0     19/0  1211/119
  12    15/0     15/0  1226/119
  13    11/0     11/0  1237/119
  14    14/0     14/0  1251/119
  15     4/0      4/0  1255/119
DAY1  863/104      .    863/104
DAY2   392/15      .     392/15
TOT  1255/119      .   1255/119
BREAKDOWN in mins/QSO's per hr  KC1XX  ARRL 160 METER CONTEST  Multi Single

HOUR    160   HR TOT   CUM TOT 

  22   61/105   61/105   61/105
  23   59/67    59/67   120/86 
   0   60/94    60/94   180/89 
   1   61/89    61/89   241/89 
   2   59/99    59/99   300/91 
   3   61/75    61/75   362/88 
   4   62/45    62/45   423/82 
   5   46/34    46/34   469/77 
   6   53/45    53/45   522/74 
   7   54/32    54/32   576/70 
   8   59/34    59/34   635/67 
   9   51/15    51/15   686/63 
  10   36/26    36/26   722/61 
  11   61/23    61/23   783/58 
  12   46/17    46/17   828/56 
  13   18/41    18/41   846/56 
  14    8/29     8/29   854/55 
  15     .        .     854/55 
  16     .        .     854/55 
  17     .        .     854/55 
  18     .        .     854/55 
  19   31/23    31/23   885/54 
  20   58/27    58/27   943/53 
  21   60/37    60/37  1004/52 
  22   65/32    65/32  1069/50 
  23   56/42    56/42  1125/50 
   0   58/38    58/38  1183/49 
   1   61/28    61/28  1244/48 
   2   61/43    61/43  1305/48 
   3   61/42    61/42  1365/48 
   4   61/23    61/23  1426/47 
   5   47/27    47/27  1473/46 
   6   61/14    61/14  1535/45 
   7   58/15    58/15  1592/44 
   8   45/12    45/12  1637/43 
   9   33/18    33/18  1671/42 
  10   38/21    38/21  1708/42 
  11   43/26    43/26  1751/41 
  12   49/18    49/18  1800/41 
  13   30/22    30/22  1831/41 
  14   51/16    51/16  1882/40 
  15   13/18    13/18  1895/40 
DAY1 16.7/52      .    16.7/52 
DAY2 14.9/26      .    14.9/26 
TOT  31.6/40      .    31.6/40 
BREAKDOWN in kilo-points by hr  KC1XX  ARRL 160 METER CONTEST  Multi Single

HOUR    160   HR TOT   CUM TOT 

  22     69       69       69  
  23     27       27       95  
   0     24       24      120  
   1     17       17      137  
   2     22       22      158  
   3     19       19      177  
   4     11       11      188  
   5      7        7      195  
   6     16       16      211  
   7      6        6      217  
   8      8        8      225  
   9      2        2      227  
  10      2        2      229  
  11      3        3      232  
  12      2        2      233  
  13      3        3      236  
  14      0        0      237  
  15     .        .       237  
  16     .        .       237  
  17     .        .       237  
  18     .        .       237  
  19      1        1      238  
  20      5        5      243  
  21     14       14      257  
  22     11       11      268  
  23      7        7      275  
   0     10       10      285  
   1      5        5      290  
   2     10       10      301  
   3      5        5      306  
   4      4        4      310  
   5      2        2      313  
   6      4        4      317  
   7      4        4      320  
   8      1        1      321  
   9      1        1      322  
  10      2        2      324  
  11      2        2      326  
  12      2        2      328  
  13      1        1      329  
  14      2        2      331  
  15      0        0      332  
DAY1    257       .       257  
DAY2     75       .        75  
TOT     332       .       332  

                              Continent Statistics
     KC1XX   ARRL 160 METER CONTEST    Multi Single      5 Dec 2004  1527z

                 160   percent

North America   CW 1211    93.6
South America   CW    5     0.4
Europe          CW   73     5.6
Asia            CW    1     0.1
Africa          CW    2     0.2
Oceania         CW    2     0.2

DX Mults Worked:

Africa: EA8
Asia: 5B     
North America: CM,FM,HI,HP,PZ,V4,VP2M,VP2V,VP9,ZF
South America: 9Y,HK,PJ2,YV

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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