[3830] ARRL 160 W0ETT Single Op LP

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Sun Dec 5 17:04:50 EST 2004

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: W0ETT
Operator(s): W0ETT
Station: W0ETT

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 17

Total:  QSOs = 410  Sections = 76  Countries = 3  Total Score = 63,232

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


After reading the ARRL antenna book, I decided to try an inverted L antenna 160m
instead of using my old inverted v in the upcoming 160m contest.  So, I put up
an L of 164' length with 50' of wire vertically about 2.5 feet from the Rohn 45
and added two quarterwave radials.  With this antenna set up, I used my IC756 to
run 100w and made 410 Qs and 76 mults in the contest, which was better than my
previous high of 360 Qs and 64 mults.  I was happy with the results and have
officially retired the old inverted v.

I thought condx were good.  Was able to work into stations even before dusk. 
Within a couple hours, was able to work some east coast stations.  Missed but
heard RI, NF, Hawaii, and EBay.  Didn't hear anything from PR, AK, NLI, or YT. 
Wkd a few Carribean dx but was disapppointed not to hear any EU or JA.  Condx or

Nice to hear a number of GMCC members active in the test:  W0AH, KO7X, K0FX,
N2IC, KV0Q, KV0K, and K8FC.  There were a bunch of other CO stations on as well,
so no one should have missed this section.

73 Ken, W0ETT

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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