[3830] ARRL 10 K4AQ SO Mixed QRP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Dec 19 21:41:51 EST 2004

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: K4AQ
Operator(s): K4AQ
Station: K4AQ

Class: SO Mixed QRP
QTH: Atlanta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 12.6

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:   89    24
  SSB:   47    15
Total:  136    39  Total Score = 23,400

Club: South East Contest Club



My fourth ARRL-10m contest:

         Score     QSO   Mult   DXCC*    WAC      Time
2004     23,400    136     52     12     No/3     12.6
2003**   56,440    200     85     16     No/3     15.0
2002**   81,750    246    109     44     Yes/6    23.8
2001**   10,138     80     37     15     No/4      9.5
*Unique, includes W & VE

Best DX:

   121939z ZL1V, New Zealand, CW, 8177 mi (1635.4 mi/watt)


Worked NAM CW (WAS: 23)
CT   MA   NY   NJ   PA   GA   FL   VA   NM   TX
OK   CA   AZ   UT   MI   OH   IL   IN   WI   CO
IA   MN   NE   ON

Worked NAM PHONE (WAS: 15)
CT   MA   ME   NJ   MD   TX   CA   AZ   MI   OH
IL   KS   MN   NE   SD

DX CW: 6 (excluding K & VE)
8P    LU    PJ2   XE    YV    ZL

DX PHONE: 7 (excluding K & VE)
8P    HP    KP4   LU    P4    PJ2   TI

Yaesu FT-897 transceiver operated at 5 watts into a 5-MHz OCF 28-gauge insulated
wire stealth antenna up 40 feet in trees next to I-75 in downtown Atlanta
industrial area. SGC SG-237 Smartuner. MicroHAM USB interface. Heil Pro-Set
Plus! WriteLog 10.48f.

--Matt, K4AQ (ex-WB6BWZ)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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