[3830] RTTY Roundup NW0L M/S HP

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Sun Jan 4 18:39:16 EST 2004

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: NW0L
Operator(s): NW0L AE9B W0ZAP K0LW K4SV
Station: NW0L

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs
   80:  282
   40:  203
   20:  336
   15:  326
   10:   41
Total: 1188  State/Prov = 55  Countries = 32  Total Score = 103,356



Another successful "winter field day" from the southeastern corner of North

Lugged enough radios, computers, amps and antennas to put 2 kilowatt stations
plus a third 100w station on the air. Assembling the station on Friday was
really more fun than operating the contest and is as much a draw to us as
actually playing radio. We enjoyed having Dave K4SV join us for this trip - his
first time operating from the "black hole" was an eye opener for sure!

Contest went fairly well, though we were disappointed at the almost total lack
of any kind of opening to EU or JA - attribute that to our northerly location,
marginal antennas and general solar conditions. 

Managed to work every state except North Dakota, but missed quite a few
provinces -- not a single VE8/VY8 and no PEI, NF or LAB. We expected to find
little activity from the perennial "rare ones" like NV, DEL, DC and WY but
managed to work most of those in the first couple of hours. 80m was a blast on
Saturday night - lots and lots of callers and good signals from all over the

Thanks to all who called us - especially those "new" calls in the last few hours
of the contest. Saw a large number of previously unknown RTTY callsigns so our
ranks are obviously not shrinking.

My only rant: If you're going to use a "friends" file, how about you make sure
the names in it are correct?? I can't tell you how many times I was greeted with
"HI TRISHA" and "HI MARTIN" - neither of which are my name. Trisha was the
previous holder of my callsign, well over 3 years ago, and Martin is what my
mother calls me.

QSL to my home call; please include SASE or IRC for reply.

73 de NW0L and crew

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