[3830] NAQP SSB W6YX M/2 LP

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Sun Jan 18 02:44:11 EST 2004

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: W6YX
Operator(s): K6IF,W6LD,N7MH
Station: W6YX

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   52    14
   80:  274    48
   40:  355    55
   20:  587    59
   15:  712    60
   10:  575    55
Total: 2555   291  Total Score = 743,505

Club: Northern California Contest Club



We've used the name Mike in our recent M/2 NAQP efforts both because it's my
name and it's easier to get across than Stan, Leland, or some of the other
alternatives we've tried.  The name Mike has more significance this time around
since it is also an appropriate acknowledgement of our former long-time club
advisor, Oswald Garrison "Mike" Villard, W6QYT, who passed away on January 7 at
the age of 87.  One of Mike's better-known ham radio accomplishments was the
introduction of SSB to the ham bands from W6YX while he was finishing his
doctorate in the late 1940s.  W6QYT, SK.

Dan, K6IF, brought his Orion which we set up as our spotting radio.  My idea of
spotting on a different band in each ear didn't really work - the Orion could do
it but my brain couldn't handle different SSB streams in each ear punctuated by
S9 or greater phase noise.  But I can see possibilities for the Orion and look
forward to opportunities to use one in the future.

One of the radios was on 160 meters for all but 10 minutes of the last 2 hours
of the contest.  Very few stations east of Colorado could hear us, but that
didn't stop us from repeatedly calling those we could hear.  At least 80 meters
was productive much earlier than last year, resulting in many more Q's and mults
than we usually get there.  Our 40-meter total suffered from all the time spent
on 160.  The high bands were terrific from Northern California and we had to
discipline ourselves not to move to the lower bands too early every time the
rate went down slightly.

We worked the following DX mults: KP4/XE/ZF on 20, J3/KP4/ZF on 15, and
8P/CM/KP4/XE/ZF on 10.  Thanks to everyone for the Q's and especially to all the
stations that moved for us.

Here's our rate sheet for the contest:

          W6YX 2004 January NAQP Rate Report

  HOUR  160   80   40   20   15   10   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---   -----   -----
   18     0    0    0    0  179  154     333     333
   19     0    0    0    0  146  135     281     614
   20     0    0    0    0  117  126     243     857
   21     0    0    0    0  112  112     224    1081
   22     0    0    0   80   81   48     209    1290
   23     0    0    0  147   67    0     214    1504
    0     0    0   61  132   10    0     203    1707
    1     0    0  127  122    0    0     249    1956
    2     0    0   81  105    0    0     186    2142
    3     0  119   75    1    0    0     195    2337
    4    37   74    1    0    0    0     112    2449
    5    15   81   10    0    0    0     106    2555

TOTAL    52  274  355  587  712  575

-Mike, N7MH

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