[3830] ARRL June VHF K5TR Limited Multi-Op HP
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Wed Jun 16 17:30:09 EDT 2004
Call: K5TR
Operator(s): K5TR, N5RZ, KG5U, KE5C, WM5R
Station: K5TR
Class: Limited Multi-Op HP
QTH: EM00uf
Operating Time (hrs):
Band QSOs Mults
6: 690 192
2: 101 25
222: 20 10
432: 34 11
Total: 863 238 Total Score = 213,486
Contest Dates : 12-Jun-04, 13-Jun-04, 14-Jun-04
Callsign Used : K5TR
Operators : K5TR, N5RZ, KG5U, KE5C, WM5R
Category : Limited Multi-op
Default Exchange : EM00
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
6CW 2 2 2 1
6SSB 706 706 688 191
2CW 5 5 5 1
2SSB 97 97 96 24
222CW 2 2 4 1
222SSB 18 18 36 9
432CW 5 5 10 3
432SSB 28 28 56 8
Totals 863 863 897 238
Final Score = 213,486 points.
The station:
50Mhz - Kenwood TS-690 - 3cx800 amp (800 watts)
8 element yagi at 75'
7 element yagi at 30'
6 element yagi at 25' fixed west
144Mhz - Kenwood TS-850S - DEM transverter - 3cx800 (700 watts)
17B2 17 element yagi at 35'
8 ele yagi at 60'
vertical at 44'
222Mhz - Kenwood TS-850S - DEM transverter - Brick (100 watts)
15 element yagi at 38'
432Mhz - Kenwood TS-850S - DEM transverter - Brick (100 watts)
31 element yagi at 42'
The contest went pretty well this year. Only a few glitches and
we got them all ironed out in the first four hours or so. I have not
had much time or money to spend on improving the antennas but I have been
working towards getting the inside more setup for VHF/UHF. In the past
I have had to dismantle most of the HF station to get setup for VHF contests.
This did not allow me to get on the VHF/UHF bands much outside of the timee
around one of the VHF contests I had set things up for but this year
I finally got things in place that make it possible to have the VHF/UHF
gear and the HF gear hooked up and ready to go. So, I hope to be on the
high bands a bit more in the coming years and not just for the June contest.
I did not do too much operating this time but we had a good crew. Some where
here one day but not the other - only WM5R and I were here the entire weekend.
WM5R created some grid maps of our grids worked:
<a href="http://www.wm5r.org/contest/2004_junvhf/2004_junvhf_k5tr_50.png">50
<a href="http://www.wm5r.org/contest/2004_junvhf/2004_junvhf_k5tr_144.png">144
<a href="http://www.wm5r.org/contest/2004_junvhf/2004_junvhf_k5tr_222.png">222
<a href="http://www.wm5r.org/contest/2004_junvhf/2004_junvhf_k5tr_432.png">432
Comments from WM5R:
It was a little bit disappointing not to have propagation on six meters
at the start of the contest. Saturday's Eskip opening began around 2113 UTC,
with QSOs into the midwest. Things really picked up in the 2200 UTC clock
hour, with a 158 hour. I made five QSOs in one minute at 2239 UTC and again
at 2243 UTC, which were probably around the peak of the opening. The 2300
UTC and 0000 UTC hours were each slightly down at 129 and 123 QSOs each.
The 0000 UTC clock hour was when we first began to work Eskip to our west,
into Arizona and New Mexico. We continued to make the occasional Eskip
QSO to the west for the rest of the local evening, with the last Eskip
QSO of the night coming at 0528 UTC. Our six meter QSO total after one day
was only 553 (last year, we had 1,100 six meter QSOs after one day.)
Sunday's Eskip on six meters was nothing like Saturday's. The morning saw
some Eskip to the west, and very light, thin Eskip to the east. Our best
clock hour on Sunday on six meters was 1400 UTC, with 37 QSOs. The skip
mostly shut down around 2000 UTC, and in the final seven hours of operating,
we would make a total of only 21 QSOs on six meters. Our final Eskip QSO
of the contest was at 0044 UTC. We added only 155 six meter QSOs to the
log all day Sunday.
We made a total of 41 QSOs with rovers on all bands. 34 of those rover
QSOs were made on six meter Eskip. Of the seven remaining QSOs, only three
QSOs were made with stations believed to be actually competing in the
Rover category, as opposed to incidental mobile stations, and none of those
rovers came closer to us than three grid locators away. We made no rover
QSOs on 222 MHz or 432 MHz.
Comments from KE5C:
Operators need a sense of urgency when working 50 mhz
e-skip: complete the qso, then chit-chat. i lost several qso's because
folks wanted to tell me how strong my signal was, how good it was to finally
hear a signal, etc., when they should have been giving me my report. while
they finished the chit-chat, the e's were went away and i never got any
report. folks don't need to repeat the calls, not twice, not once. if i
come back to you and don't ask for a fill, i've got your call. if you
called me and didn't ask for a fill, you've got my call. and i can copy
english at several hundred words a minute, going v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y only
waste's the e-time. if i want you to slow down, i'll ask.
Lots of numbers:
---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- -----
18 24 20 2 2 48 48
19 12 9 1 2 24 72
20 7 2 1 1 11 83
21 30 4 3 1 38 121
22 158 2 0 0 160 281
23 129 1 0 4 134 415
0 123 3 0 0 126 541
1 29 5 0 1 35 576
2 22 7 3 3 35 611
3 10 9 2 3 24 635
4 4 5 2 1 12 647
5 5 5 1 1 12 659
6 0 0 0 0 0 659
7 0 0 0 0 0 659
8 0 0 0 0 0 659
9 0 0 0 0 0 659
10 0 0 0 0 0 659
11 3 3 2 1 9 668
12 4 2 0 2 8 676
13 10 5 0 1 16 692
14 37 1 0 1 39 731
15 15 1 0 0 16 747
16 22 2 0 0 24 771
17 9 0 0 2 11 782
18 17 1 0 0 18 800
19 17 0 0 0 17 817
20 3 2 1 1 7 824
21 1 2 0 0 3 827
22 2 1 0 2 5 832
23 4 2 0 0 6 838
0 7 3 1 2 13 851
1 2 3 1 0 6 857
2 2 2 0 3 6 863
TOTAL 708 102 20 5 33
1. em10 67
2. em00 34
3. em79 29
4. em12 26
5. en91 26
6. el09 24
7. em13 24
8. en61 19
9. en82 17
10. em48 15
11. en70 13
12. em69 13
13. en52 13
14. fm19 12
15. en72 12
16. el29 11
17. em20 10
18. en60 10
19. en62 10
20. fm18 10
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
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