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Mon Nov 1 22:01:21 EST 2004

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): N5RZ
Station: K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 45
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   47    12       30
   80:  358    17       72
   40:  280    24       84
   20: 1120    34      125
   15: 1331    31      114
   10:  812    25      100
Total: 3948   143      525  Total Score = 7,651,272



Had so much fun in 2003 that I decided to give New England another shot this
year.      I learned a lot last year (it's completely different than Texas!!)
and was pretty pumped up.

Some observations:

I didn't really see a material difference in condx on 40M - 10M from 2003,
although New England was definitely the place to be last year.   80M was a
little better and 160M was much better!!

10M:  I just couldn't get 10M to play except for about 3 hours Sunday Morning. 
I could tell the guys to the south had some advantage.  I don't like 10M anyway
and just could never fit it in to the mix.  I may have left something on the
table here.

15M was the money band for Q's, but was a bloodbath and hard work.  Randy's
station plays very well there.

20M:  I under-utilized this band in 2003 and milked it for everything I could
this year.  Randy's station is FB on 20M - makes it a pleasure to operate on

40M:   about the same as last year, with a few more countries.  It really dried
up earlier than last year for me.   Was hoping to put more Q's in the log after
running 75M, but it didn't happen that way.

75M:   Very noisy (static crashes) Friday night, but condx were great the first
night and better the second when it was pindrop quiet.  The 4 square works.

160M:  ditto on noise.   Between Randy inproving his antenna and the EU condx,
the results far exceeded my expectations.

I only took off from 0700Z - 0945Z Sunday morning.  This allowed me to do some
guilt free DXing on 75 & 160 in the wee hours and put some good mults in the

Congrats to K4ZW (who I heard only once!) & W9RE for great jobs.  Wonder how
some of the other SOAB's did?   Like K4ZW, I was really gunning for K1AR's
record Sunday afternoon once it looked possible.  Things dried up though and
couldn't reach 4K qsos or his record by the time the clock said 0000Z.  

Thanks to Randy and his family for allowing me to operate there again this year,
and thanks to all for the QSO's.

73,  Gator

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