[3830] FW: MIQP K8XXX score

Jeff n8cc at mei.net
Sun Apr 24 19:40:16 EDT 2005

What a great time at N8CC's!  Running K8XXX at N8CC's QTH and using all
wire antennas with the exception of our 10M Qs here are the results:

Band     CW     SSB     Mults

80         209      149       41
40         283      644     119
20         137      159       41
15          ---          9       ---
10          ---          3         1

Totals    629      964     202

Score: 448,844 points

Comments:  As is said, "There's no meters like 40 meters"  and KT8X proved
that on 40M ssb.  Dennis went nuts and made a believer out of all of
us.  K8MV and K8DD kept us in stitches the entire time,  K8DD with his
bemoaning "Wronglog" vs CT, K8JM "schmoozing" us with his newly acquired PR
skills (there is a story there folks), N8CC keeping everyone fed and
watered, Roger, KN8W (not to be confused with KW8N) learning the ropes in
contesting and an additional "newbie" Scott-WD8SDW also learning,
W8IQ Kurt with cerebral comments and me walking around stating "Huh, what?"
all added up to a fantastic team doing a fantastic job in a fantastic contest!

Thanks to all the mobiles and the terrific efforts of NU8Z and the other
members of the MiQP committee for the great contest.

73...Ted, K8AQM

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