[3830] NAQP SSB K7ZSD Single Op LP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 21 03:50:05 EDT 2005

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: K7ZSD
Operator(s): K7ZSD
Station: K7ZSD

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: NW Oregon
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   20     8
   80:   32    17
   40:  193    46
   20:  537    56
   15:   12     3
Total:  794   130  Total Score = 103,220

Club: Willamette Valley DX Club



I finished my SO2R setup for SSB 6 minutes before the start of the contest, and
used the NAQP to check it out. I made only 10 or so Q's with the second radio,
and per my guess, it will take alot of practice to get comfortable with the
balance of the system between the ears. I mean the matter between the ears will
have to balance the system.............SO2R ain't easy! I felt all was going
well past the midpoint in the contest, had a great run on 40m, but then things
got real slow. Took my breaks at that point, and was able to operate to the end,
that may have been a mistake. The last hour was slow, it seemed most everyone
was gone, 40m was an empty parking lot. I forgot to change the east-west 80m
bobtail from CW tune to SSB tune, so had an antenna pointed at Greenland and the
80m score shows it. I felt like a fly on the wall, I could hear really well, but
nobody knew I was there. Again, great operators on all the bands, and I was
surprised to hear so many YL's and young folks calling in, very refreshing!

See you all next time.......Brad

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