[3830] CQWW CW P40L M/S HP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Thu Dec 1 15:38:12 EST 2005

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: P40L
Operator(s): W6LD, KX7M, N7MH, N6XI
Station: P40L

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Aruba
Operating Time (hrs): 48.0

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  354    17       67
   80:  672    25      104
   40: 2391    36      133
   20: 1828    37      142
   15: 1701    33      123
   10:  642    19       48
Total: 7588   167      617  Total Score = 17,592,176

Club: Northern California Contest Club


This was our second CQ WW cw effort from outside the U.S.  Fortunately, we were
able to assemble the same team as last year and add Mike, N7MH.  Denny, Mike and
I arrived on the island mid-day Wednesday.  Rick arrived on the red-eye Friday
afternoon only 5 hours before the contest.  Of course, this made him the natural
choice to be our lead-off run station operator.

We approached this year with targets that represented a substantial decline in
both Qs and mults relative to last year (e.g., targets that were 90-95% of last
year's results) given where we are in the sun spot cycle.  We are very pleased
to have exceeded even our "stretch goals" for just about every band.

The results are probably due to four principal factors:

(1)  Very good low band conditions.
(2)  Reduced interstation interference attributable to the addition of coaxial
stubs (fixed problems on 160, 80 and 40, but still need more work on high bands)
and a switchable band filter on the beverages.
(3)  The addition of a 500 foot beverage pointed at Europe in addition to a the
existing beverages pointed at Western and Eastern U.S.(made possible by the
heroic (and painful) efforts of Denny, KX7M, who tunneled through about 70 feet
of brambles and cacti in the cunucu).
(4)  Sufficient operators to afford a second set of ears on the run radio,
especially the very talented ears of N7MH.

Low band conditions were excellent.  John Crovelli, P40W, with whom we had the
pleasure of sharing several meals (including Thanksgiving dinner) and from who
we continue to learn something every time we get together, commented that these
were among the best conditions he has experience in his 20+ years of contesting
from Aruba.  Ten meter was a challenge, but we succeeded in working 22 European
stations, most of which were just above the band noise.

Our biggest challenge was the discovery that all three of the usual rigs for the
station (2 FT1000Ds and a FT990) had problems.  We ended using the recently
added IC756ProII as the run radio, a radio that none of us had any prior
experience operating, plus a borrowed FT1000MP.  Many thanks to Jean-Pierre,
P43A, for the loan of his rig.

The pile-ups were huge, but generally well behaved.

We all had lots of fun.  I was particularly pleased by how well the team worked

Thanks for all the contacts!


John, W6LD/P40L

      Continent List  P40L CQWW CW 2005 

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =    176   334  1047   840   856   524   3777
  VE calls    =     18    35    70    70    50    38    281
  N.A. calls  =     19    27    36    35    33    18    168
  S.A. calls  =      9    18    28    31    36    27    149
  Euro calls  =    128   230   963   711   683    22   2737
  Afrc calls  =      3    11    18    19    19    12     82
  Asia calls  =      0    12    68    51    13     0    144
  JA calls    =      0     1   149    58     1     0    209
  Ocen calls  =      1     4    12    13    10     1     41

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  Total calls =    354   672  2391  1828  1701   642   7588

                             P40L CQWW CW 2005 Rate

  HOUR  160CW    80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0       0      27     198       0       0       0     225     225
    1       0      11     204      10       0       0     225     450
    2       6      23     172       0       0       0     201     651
    3       0     158      26       0       0       0     184     835
    4      55     100       9       0       0       0     164     999
    5      93       3       0       4       0       0     100    1099
    6       6      82       7       3       0       0      98    1197
    7       4       3     128       0       0       0     135    1332
    8       0      57      62       1       0       0     120    1452
    9       0      28      81       2       0       0     111    1563
   10       0       0      97      32       0       0     129    1692
   11       0       0      18     175      31       0     224    1916
   12       0       0       0      79     126       0     205    2121
   13       0       0       0       4     169      12     185    2306
   14       0       0       0       2      40     159     201    2507
   15       0       0       0       8     198       3     209    2716
   16       0       0       0       4     224       9     237    2953
   17       0       0       0     169       6      16     191    3144
   18       0       0       0      33       7     160     200    3344
   19       0       0       0       6     226       0     232    3576
   20       0       0       3     167      44       0     214    3790
   21       0       0       3     196       1       0     200    3990
   22       0       0      37      83      17       0     137    4127
   23       0       1     144       8       0       0     153    4280

    0       0       1     152       2       0       0     155    4435
    1       0       1     171       0       0       0     172    4607
    2      98       4       3       0       0       0     105    4712
    3       1      54      64       0       0       0     119    4831
    4       7       1     175       0       0       0     183    5014
    5       1       1     148       0       0       0     150    5164
    6      79       0      24       1       0       0     104    5268
    7       2      79      36       0       0       0     117    5385
    8       1      26      67       0       0       0      94    5479
    9       0      10      87       0       0       0      97    5576
   10       0       0      81       6       0       0      87    5663
   11       0       0       0     173       2       0     175    5838
   12       0       0       0      70      84       1     155    5993
   13       0       0       0       3      86      14     103    6096
   14       0       0       0     106      20       4     130    6226
   15       0       0       0       1     127      18     146    6372
   16       0       0       0      64      70       0     134    6506
   17       0       0       0      38       0     111     149    6655
   18       0       0       0       0      21     133     154    6809
   19       0       0       0      83     100       1     184    6993
   20       0       0       0      55     101       0     156    7149
   21       0       0      17     145       0       1     163    7312
   22       0       2      26      94       1       0     123    7435
   23       1       0     151       1       0       0     153    7588

  TOTAL   354     672    2391    1828    1701     642

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