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Sat Dec 3 13:36:56 EST 2005

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: KP2TM
Operator(s): K9TM
Station: KP2TM

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: St Croix
Operating Time (hrs): 34

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   68               
   80:  259               
   40:  940               
   20: 1303               
   15: 1524               
   10:  231               
Total: 4325    98      262  Total Score = 3,584,880

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Combined SS SSB with WW CW for the maiden voyage of the new station.  At the
beginning of Sep 2005, there was no station at this QTH.  Thanks to a long week
of work in Sept the towers were erected and the antennas placed on top.  During
this trip I was alone but managed to get things completed and operate both
contests.  A big thanks to K8CC for spending so much time on the towers in Sep
and for countless hours discussing with me the options for a station at this

This was a blast!  However, it has been a long, long time since I have attempted
a DX contest SO.  Boy did I underestimate the mental toll that running inflicts.
 This was an almost 100% run effort (the mult totals tell the story).  The only
S&P action that took place was on 160 and only because my signal apparently
wasn't very good there (something to work on).  I went into this thinking I
would sleep 4 hours each night and do 40 hours of the 48.  Hmmm, it didn't quite
work that way.  Sat afternoon I was wiped out and had to take some time off
(around 1.5 hours) to get some sleep.  Also, on Sat AM, there was a power outage
that took out the better part of an hour.  Sunday morning I just could not keep
putting Q's in the log so I went to bed.  Then I overslept.  All I can say is
that the point total may be down due to the lack of mults but the fun factor for
running was high.  I had fun and proved out the station... mission accomplished
for this trip!

Thanks for all the QSO's.

73 Tim

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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